‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 25


I sat back down on the seat beside Faith as she frowned and chewed on the end of her pencil all the while rubbing out parts of her sketch. I'd been sat here on the bus with her, just watching for hours. She truly was such an amazing artist, someone that even Da Vinci would envy if you ask me.

Resting my head on her shoulder, I delved my hand into my bag of Oreo's and stuffed one into my mouth before taking a drink from my shake. I had no intentions of snorting it out of my nose tonight though. And if I did, Faith would probably never ever forgive me for getting it all over her sketchbook that she put a lot of work into.

"Do you scan all those onto the computer or can you draw them straight on?" I asked, holding an Oreo up for her to bite which she did so without looking at me until she took it from my hand and wiped the crumbs from her mouth with a shrug, obviously in response to my question.

"I scan them all. Well, dad or Nori does it for me." She answered. "I've never tried drawing them straight onto the computer."

I sat up, pulling the laptop towards me where it was on the table top, and left it in front of her. Then I smiled at her. "Then try now."

Faith considered me for a few moments. "I don't like the look of that grin, Frankie Iero."

I held my hands up to her innocently as she placed her sketchbook and pencil down on the table and pulled the laptop more towards herself. "I promise, I won't do anything."

"You better not had." She reinstated with a sly smile, letting me plug the mouse into the laptop for her so she could draw better. Or worse; I don't know. I doubted it though. Faith could probably draw just as well with her feet for all I knew.

Either way I rested my head back on her shoulder as she began to draw out an image. Right now it was just sketchy black lines and she was chewing on her lip in such an incredibly cute way it made her irresistible. Not that she wasn't anyway. After a while I began to recognise the shapes that were forming and I felt a smile creep onto my lips.

I slipped my arms around her waist, holding her tightly and sighed, watching as she drew me and her. "I don't want you to go home tomorrow." I said quietly.

"I don't want you to go home tomorrow." She retorted.

"Well, I could always kidnap you." I then suggested and she laughed.

"California is so better for being kidnapped."

"Err, New Jersey darling. Dangerous place." I then said.

"Exactly, so they'd never think to look in Huntington Beach would they doofus."

"I can't kidnap you in your hometown can I?" I grinned shoving the mouse and making her draw blocks of colour where she didn't want them. "I mean what's the point in that?"

"Yes but I can kidnap you in my hometown, can't I?" She retorted, looking away from the drawing and to meet my eyes.

"Yeah but Zack would be breathing down our necks twenty-four seven." I then said, shoving the mouse some more and laughing as she swatted my hand away, whining at me. "And you haven't made up over that, have you?"

"We have - will you stop shoving the damn mouse! - made up." She mumbled as I shoved the mouse once more. "Our making up was the tattoo. It's very hard to get me and Zack to actually say the words 'I'm sorry' to each other, so we just do it other ways. Our parents stopped trying years ago when they realised we wouldn't ever say it to each other when we'd had major fall outs."

"It really hurt him, you know." I now said refraining from ruining her picture.

"How'd you know?"

"I could see it in his face every time he saw you."

"Yeah well he hurt me." She said so quietly she was almost whispering. I don't even think I was supposed to hear that because she never looked at me as if for a response.

But I gave her one anyway, retracting my arms from around her waist and tickling her sides. Faith leapt up in surprise, giggling as she tried to push my hands away. Shuffling along the seat she turned and brought up her legs, trying to push me away as I followed after her laughing along with her.

"Frankie...haha...stop...stop it!" She giggled out as I pounced forward pinning her down to the seat by sitting on her legs.

"Well stop being so damn miserable about your brother then!" I grinned tickling up and down her sides, her tiny hands fighting against mine.

"Ow, my neck hurts." She then whined, reaching one hand up to rub it; admittedly she was laying in an awkward position of laying down with her head against the backrest. I stopped tickling her and let herself prop herself up on her elbows, relieving her neck. She moved her head from side to side a few times before smiling up at me. "Quite done?"

I just smiled at her, her enchanting green eyes meeting my hazel ones and holding the gaze, whilst I brought a hand up to brush her soft hair from her face. I leaned forward, her eyes watching me the whole time, before both mine and hers fluttered closed as our lips met. And oh how my heart raced when I felt a smile stretch across her lips.

"You're smiling." I said into it, feeling one of her hands brushing over my cheek.

"So are you." She retorted, pulling away slightly and opening her eyes to watch me.

"It's 'cause I'm kissing you." I whispered before brushing my lips over hers once more.

But not for long.

"Who whatey who?" Gerard asked, making the both of us jump away from each other because we hadn't been expecting anyone to just walk in. Then he saw us both and he made an 'oh' shape with his mouth before mumbling an apology.

"I might go to bed now. I gots an early start." Faith now spoke as she tidied up her things. I felt my face drop out of disappointment slowly but picked it back up to kiss her cheek goodnight before she hugged Gerard and wandered off down the bus towards the bunks.

I watched her till she'd disappeared from sight before properly tidying her things away for her. Gerard just sat watching me with a smile on his face and a thoughtful look in his eyes. I ignored it and got myself another drink before sitting back down - albeit feeling slightly lonely because Faith had gone to bed - and flicking through the TV channels.

I found some cartoon to keep me happy and was vaguely aware of Gerard tapping away at the laptop out of the corner of my eye. "It's two thousand, seven hundred and ninety-three miles from Belleville to Huntington Beach." He spoke up randomly and I found myself looking away from Hong Kong Phooey to meet with his eyes over the top of the laptop he was closing.

"I know." I shrugged, then looked back to the TV.

"Two thousand, seven hundred and ninety-three miles separating you and her." He went on musing. "Does she even know how you feel about her yet? Since one little kiss does not constitute you speaking the words to her, I don't feel."

"I'm gonna tell her."

"Well the clock's ticking Frank."

I fucking know that. Don't you think I'm panicking enough?!

"Yes, I'm quite aware of that mommy." I frowned. "I'm going to bed now."

"Aww, you miss her already!" He cooed along the bus at my back. "Darling Frankie must be in love!"

"Will you shut up? She's asleep!" I hissed at him, frowning. "And don't call me that; only Faith can call me Frankie."

"Whatever, just go to bed." Gerard flapped his hand at me and shook my head, before happily complying.