‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 26


"Wake up Faithy." A gentle voice spoke in my ear as a hand ran down the back of my head. I swatted it away and buried my head underneath the pillow. Inhaling, a smile crept onto my face; the pillow smelt of Frankie. Ignoring the whispering I snuggled into the bunk hoping to go completely back to sleep.

Suddenly the pillow was yanked upwards, a cold draft wafting in but I kept my eyes firmly clamped shut against the world. "Oi! Loser!" A new voice yelled almost right next to my ear. "Get up now or I'll cut your hair myself!"

That woke me up. I screamed, leaping up instantly out of the bed and holding my hands to my hair whilst Zack just stood doubled over laughing at me. He tried to speak, but no words came out, just laughter. I scowled angrily and kicked his leg as hard as I could before shoving him out of my way and heading up the bus to where the others were.

All of the others. Oh great.

I groaned before turning back to go shower and get dressed. I didn't want today to come. Not just because me and Frankie would be held apart by almost 3000 miles of America, but because today was the day I had to get my hair cut. My lovely long hair I'd spent years growing.

Once I was done I dressed myself in a pair of badly ripped jeans with my hot pink Johnny Rotten skinny tee and the first belt I grabbed from the pile that made up mine and Franks. This one was his. Shrugging I brushed my hair out carefully before clipping a bow in and slicking on my make-up.

Then I came back out and helped myself to sitting on Frank's knee who kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around his waist. "Just so you know," Sarah now spoke up from where she was sitting next to Mikey "we counted all your money last night."

I looked up from the bowl of Lucky Charms - that was originally Frank's that I just helped myself to - I was eating, and met with her eyes before looking at the others. "How much have I raised?"

"A good ten kay." Zack grinned at me. I began choking instantly on the food in my mouth as everyone else cheered. Ten thousand dollars? Whoa.

"Wow." I simply said.

"Good to go then?" Johnny asked sounding almost excited and I sighed. The sooner the better or I might actually cry because I'm having it cut short. I nodded and stood up, my brother and the guys already being stood up save Sarah, and turned to look at Frank.

"Are you coming?" I asked.

He just reached up and held my hand, squeezing it with a smile to boot. "I'll let it be a surprise." Then he pulled me closer and kissed me on the cheek, before letting go. "Good luck."

I smiled and followed after my brother and the others, Brian, I couldn't help but notice, already training his camera on me and talking about me. I reached my hand up and pushed it away from my face but it was no use and I had put up with it. The walk to the hairdressers took five minutes and after only one more I was sitting in the chair.

With the hairdresser stood behind me.

A pair of gleaming scissors in hand.

Holding chunks of my hair.

Asking how I wanted it styling.

And there was Brian stood watching eagerly, filming the whole ordeal as I finally finished explaining my hair for the dresser and she finally took me over to wash it - even though I'd already done so - then brought me back. She sectioned it out, before taking the first chunk and watching me in the mirror.

"You've got a face like you're walking the Green Mile!" Jimmy laughed loudly, drawing even more attention to us than we already were.

"It bloody well feels like I am!" I retorted.

"You're sure about this?" The hairdresser asked.

"Yeah, just do it." I urged her, closing my eyes and holding my hands over them just to make sure I couldn't see the first cut. But it didn't stop me from hearing those gleaming blades making a clean slicing sound as it cut through my hair. And slowly but surely she moved around my head, cutting more and more hair away from my head until finally she was done.

It was still choppy and heavily layered, but instead it stopped a little after my chin. Admittedly, my head felt so much lighter, and it was nice not having so much hair hanging around my neck anymore. But seeing all the hair on the floor - enough to make Victoria Beckham hair extensions, not that I would let her anywhere near my precious hair the silly ho - I felt saddened. The end of an era I guess.

OnceI had paid Zack had paid for me we left and made our way back to the buses so to pack up ready to head home that afternoon. Zack came up and slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. "I'm proud of you, you know." He smiled, rubbing my shoulder.

"All I did was cut my hair." I shrugged.

"Faith, that is a big thing for you." He now pointed out. "You raised ten thousand dollars for cancer research. That's why I paid for it."

"Thank you." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his middle in a hug. I missed this; the happy little hugs Zack and I shared at least once everyday. They were the special moments I'd always remember even if I never remembered anything else. "I love you, Zack."

"I love you, too Faith." He replied softly, kissing the top of my head. "I couldn't ever have asked for a better sister. And you still look beautiful even with short hair. I mean, your my twin so why wouldn't you?"

"You're so vain." I grinned, slapping him playfully as I let go of him.

"Says she who was scared of having her hair cut." Brian butt in looking over his shoulder with a smirk at the two of us. I flipped him off before running away at speed towards the parking lot the buses were in, Brian chasing after me. Thankfully years of playing baseball with the guys had given me enough running practice and I was safely inside of Frank's bus before Brian had even reached it.

I scrambled onto the seat, ignoring the confused looks of the guys as they tried to clean - yes you read that correct I said they were cleaning the bus - and stuck my head out of the window, pointing and laughing at Brian. "Dude, you should know I can out run you any day!" I laughed as he bent over, resting his hands on his thighs, panting slightly. "Why do you even try? It's like racing a toddler against a greyhound!"

"Shut up and go pack." He scowled. I waved him goodbye before putting my head back inside and doing exactly that. Once I was done, and helped the guys clean the other guys were knocking on the door for me to get out to go to the airport.

Once I'd said my goodbyes to Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob I turned to Frank who was standing behind me. He took my hand in his and pulled me away from them all a little ways, all of them watching us like the nosy shits they were. Frank just pulled me straight into his arms and held me tightly.

"I don't want you to go." He whispered into my neck.

"I don't wanna go either."

"Then stay here." He asked pleadingly as he pulled away slightly and looked straight into my eyes.

I sighed and looked down. I wanted to go home and see mom and dad; I only got not even one day with them last week and then we parted on bad terms because of my little...incident with the baseball. I think Frank knew that too because he sighed and nodded before pulling me back into the hug.

"I know, you wanna see your parents." He said quietly and I nodded. "S'okay."

"Faith, come on we gotta go!" Someone yelled; it was either Matt or Jason. I couldn't tell them two apart sometimes, especially not when I was too wrapped up in Frank to pay much attention.

"I'll miss you." I whispered.

"I'll miss you too." He whispered back with a small smile. "I've got used to sleeping in a bed with you, imma have to reacquaint myself with being alone."

I laughed lightly with him before chewing on my bottom lip, the guys getting antsy about going now. "Ditto."

"You've got my numbers and my address haven't you?" He then asked me and I nodded. "Call me later, okay? I'll be at my mama's tonight so use that number."

"'kay." I nodded. Okay, just tell him Faith, just take a deep breath and tell him that you lo- "Bye Frankie."

"Bye Faith." He said quietly, leaning down to leave me with a tiny kiss, before letting me turn around and head over to my brother and the guys. My heart was racing. Why didn't I say it? Say it now, before you go!

I stopped and turned back to them all to see him with his shoulders slumped, and his hands in his pockets as he stared at his feet. "Frank!" I called and he looked up at me. Say it! Say it! Say it! I took a deep breath before realising the words wouldn't leave my throat. "I'll miss you."

Stupid stupid stupid Faith! Couldn't even say three little words! IDIOT!

"I'll miss you too." He smiled weakly, almost looking disappointed before I turned back around and started walking with the guys. "Faith!"

I stopped once more and turned to look at Frank. He hesitated for a few moments before his shoulders deflated slightly and I saw him sigh. "Call me once you get to California." I felt myself overcome with disappointment and from the look on his face, that wasn't what he meant to say. "So I know you got there okay."

"Sure." I replied, smiling weakly before he waved and I turned back to climb in the taxi, Sarah flashing me a sympathetic smile, as if she knew what it was I wanted to tell him.