‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 3

The following morning I felt all the better for having slept off my Sake-binge and was more refreshed and awake than I had been in ages. Could be due to the fact I had 15 hours sleep after only one beer, I'm not sure. Putting my clock back down, I sat up and pushed my hair from my face. It really needed a wash. I really needed a wash, yesterday had been a hot day.

Looking round I saw the sofa-bed pulled out with Sarah fast asleep on it;; right beside her lay Zack, holding her as close as I think he possibly could. Aha, I knew what that was and I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loudly, promptly causing my brother to jerk awake, look around confused before finding the source and lobbing a cushion at my head.

It didn't stop me from laughing though. "Dude, Faith, shut up," he whined, flopping his head back down on the pillow.

"But, haha but, it's s-so hahaha fun- hahaha funny!"

"No it isn't, now shut up."

"No, thanks to you I got babysat by nonna so why should I stop now?" I gasped through my giggles as I climbed out of bed to go grab my hairbrush from the side and tame my hair away my face temporarily. "I can't believe nonna still makes you sleep in separate rooms, oh man that's hilarious!"

"You're such a douche."

"Last time I checked we were twins Zack so that means you must be one too," I smiled sweetly. "Why are you even here anyway?"

"Because I feel like it."

"God you dweeb."

"Last time I checked we were twins Faith so that means you must be one too," he mimicked me, putting on some lame ass voice that apparently was meant to be me. I totally didn't sound like that, he was putting on his southern drawl not imitating me.

"Oh wow, you're so awesome you have to steal peoples comebacks."

"Haha, and she's still on fire," Sarah giggled and we both looked at her to see her watching us both with an amused look on her face. "You two are so funny sometimes."

"You were pretending to sleep weren't you?" Zack and I both asked, as he let her sit up.

"You two are creepy," Sarah shuddered and looked at us both weird, before we realised what we had done and apologised. I carried on brushing my hair before grabbing some clean underwear and clothes and disappearing into my bathroom, leaving them two to their own devices.

It was only a few minutes before there was a knock at the door and it creaked open slightly. I figured it was Zack since no head followed the door, like it would had it been anyone else. Especially Brian being the sex driven guy that he is. "Misfits?" His voice asked.

"My car."

Zack mumbled some non-repeatable words as he closed the door and settled for a different CD which filtered through the wall; lazy bastard can't even get my car keys and go fetch a CD. I wondered how long it would be before our grandparents came up and complained. That's if they were even at the house. I finished up my shower and pulled on my clothes before walking back into my room to see my brother flipping through my various sketchbooks.

I ignored him, offering my bathroom to Sarah who disappeared inside, and went to fix my hair and apply my make-up. I dried it out before grabbing a comb and the hairspray and back combing the top layers till it looked big and poofy how I tended to favour wearing my hair, before running my bangs through my straighteners and slipping in an Alice band.

Zack came over and pulled at one of the green extensions before walking off again. I turned and watched him with an amused look. "That was in aid of..?"

"Iunno, I just felt like it," he shrugged before leaving my room, obviously to go to the one mom and dad kept aside for him and Sarah (it was only nonna who didn't let them sleep in the same room, and since mom and dad were coming home in a few days, they wouldn't have to put up with it for much longer if they stayed here as opposed to at their own house).

I laughed and set about applying my make-up as Sarah came out of the bathroom showered and changed for the day. She sat down beside me on the floor in front of the mirror and dried her hair out. "Your boyfriend is queer."

"He's your twin," she laughed in response.

"I know," I shrugged which made her laugh more.

"You two are so alike."

"It's what makes us so awesome," I grinned. "Anyway, I'm going to go cook breakfast before one of the guys burns the house down attempting it themselves."

"How'd you know the guys are here?" Sarah frowned.

"Eleven o'clock on a Saturday morning. Where else are they gonna be?"

"Touché ."

Sarah hurried up putting her things away before following me out of the room and downstairs where, funnily enough, the guys were sitting, waiting patiently for one of us to make them breakfast. It didn't take a genius to figure our grandparents were MIA. I walked over to the fridge, yanking it open to remove things for cooking.

When I turned I saw the satisfied smiles of my friends which made me laugh. Idiots. I turned on the stove and stuck both the frying pan and griddle pan on it before instructing one of the guys to find plates and stuff. I wasn't surprised when Zack reached a leg out and kicked Johnny till he gave in and did it.

"Johnny, how many pancakes do you want?" Sarah asked, moving over to the griddle with the pancake mix. I stood beside her, sticking bacon into the other pan, hearing both the sizzle and the whine from my brother. I smirked.

"Sarah, I'm your boyfriend! Ask me first!"

"Shouldn't have been such a lazy twat then should you?" I simply replied, poking bacon with a fork before turning it over. Once that was cooked I put it all aside and cooked some eggs whilst I set my brother on the easiest task in the world: toast. Yet again I wasn't surprised when Brian took over. Zack was hopeless; no wonder he couldn't live alone.

Once it was all ready I set it on the table for them before grabbing my bowl, a glass of orange juice, and my box of Coco Pops. I put it on the table and fetched the milk before pouring out my bowl and beginning to munch on it. It was like fucking feeding time at the zoo the way they were all arguing over the food. I glanced at Sarah and we rolled our eyes, laughing all the same.

"Where's nonna?" I finally asked, glancing towards my brother now as he shovelled food into his gob.

He shrugged. "I think she said they were going shopping. Iunno, they were leaving just as I got up and there were some words said that I didn't hear, so God knows."

"So what you guys up to today?" I then asked, pushing my empty bowl away from me and picking up a pancake to pull apart and nibble at.

"Eh, packing for tomorrow," Matt shrugged. Oh yeah. This summers Warped Tour. Touring with my brother and my friends was quite an experience I must say. You end up coming home looking like an impoverished third world child because you can't actually afford to eat anything, and you smell because you can't wash yourself or your clothes and it takes a week to get rid of the stench. My skin actually broke out in acne last time I toured with them and usually my skin is free of spots.

"Haha, sucks to be you guys."

"You are coming, aren't you?" Zack now asked.

"As awesome as the Warped Tour is, I couldn't actually go on the tour," I answered truthfully. So I'd toured with them, I hadn't been on that tour with them. I hadn't actually toured with them since they'd been in the tour bus and not the van. Not properly anyways, I'd joined them last year for a weekend before coming back to Huntington Beach.

"Yes you could, it's fun and we'll be there!" Jimmy retorted.

"I spent almost a year travelling round in a van with you five. The smell still haunts me to this day," I smirked.

"That's just because Zack hasn't showered yet," Sarah now piped up and I laughed, spitting bits of pancake on Brian who was sat next to me. He gave me an un-amused look as I brushed them off him, still giggling. Zack flipped me off, I laughed more.

"So original," I shook my head.

"Damn, shot down in flames again Zack!" Johnny laughed. "You used to be sharp as, what happened? Sister Vengeance is absolutely slaughtering you!"

"Not important," Zack replied, holding his hand up in a 'talk to the hand' fashion, as he looked across at me. "So you plan to be babysat all summer?"

"Err, no doucheface because mom and dad get back in ooo, let me think, 3 days. Do you know what 3 is, Zachary?" I asked slowly, counting my fingers as if I were talking to a three year old.

"Err, no doucheface because mom and dad are staying in Europe for ooo, let me think, another two months. Do you know what two months is, Faith?" He mimicked once again.

"Whatever, when did that happen?"

"Do you ever check the answerphone?"

I scowled, before standing and heading into the hall to listen to the messages. When the one from mom and dad came up, I screamed in frustration and kicked the big flower vase at the side of the phone table, before stomping back to the kitchen where he sat with a smug look on his annoying face. Right at that point, as I sat there with my arms folded and giving Zack the worst evils I'd ever given him, I wished I could tie a piece of string through his septum, tie the other end to my car and drive. Really fast.

"So Faith, babysat at 22 or Warped Tour?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Modified: 3rd May 2009