‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 4

I hate it when my brother is right. He's too smug for his own good. He rubs it in. And don't you dare accuse me of being a sore loser; if you knew Zack you would understand. The only time he won't do it, is if Sarah was the one who had got it wrong. I knew why though, he lives in perpetual fear of losing her.

Hopping up onto the hood of Brian's car I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to talk to Zack just because I was so pissed off that he knew me so well. Anyone would have given an arm and a leg just to be related to one of the guys and therefore be a friend of them like I was, let alone get the opportunity to be their merch girl on the Warped Tour.

Last I checked I was a tattoo artist not a merch girl for my brother.

Brian wandered over holding out a cup with the 'Starbucks' sign wrapped around it. I stared at it for a few moments before taking it from him and thanking him. Pulling off the lid I lifted it, making sure I didn't get any of my hair in the milky brown liquid inside before I sipped it.

I was good at getting my hair in things because it was so long. Not helped by the green extensions underneath. I should have listened to my brothers advice and got it cut. But I was too reluctant; my long black hair was my pride and joy and never had I had it shorter than mid-shoulder blades.

"Why are you so...unhappy about going on tour with us?" He asked after a while as he offered me a cigarette; I didn't have to think twice about accepting it.

"Because of the way he's gloating about it," I grumbled, lighting up the cigarette between my lips. "Besides, when I toured with you last time it seriously was enough to put me off."

"Tour bus though," Brian reasoned. "Proper beds and a shower and food. Food! The luxury we never got on the other tours! We won't look like third world children and you won't brea out with the lurgy!"

"Oh yeah, and if I stayed here I wouldn't have Protectatron making sure I never went on dates with guys or generally had a life outside of being his sister."

"Faith, the Warped Tour is always fun so not even he could spoil thi,." Brian said, smiling at me as his dark eyes sparkled with something that could easily have been mischief. I smiled back and drank some more of my coffee now it was more cooled down. After a few more minutes a big black and silver bus pulled up in the parking lot.

I hopped off the car as Brian stood up, grinning across at me. Pulling my bag on my back, I grabbed the ones I wanted with me, leaving the rest to be put in the luggage compartment before heading up the steps to the cool interior of my home for the next few months. I was currently stood in the living room-kitchen which was surprisingly spacious.

Johnny headed off through a curtain and I followed after him when he offered the 'grand tour'. Just beyond this curtain - which he pushed back completely - and to my left was a door, which revealed a small bathroom. Then there were the bunks, and finally right at the back was just a random little room with a TV and various games consoles.

I went back to the bunks and staked one for myself by throwing my stuff onto it, before going back to where the others were sitting. I plopped myself down next to Sarah and rested my chin on her shoulder as my brother checked the refrigerator. When he turned round he was holding two beers, one of which was full with the cap taken off and held out to me.

"Peace offering?" He asked, raising one eyebrow slightly. "I don't like it when you're properly pissed off with me. Just a little bit is okay, but when you're properly pissed off you don't talk to me."

I smiled and took it from him, before he opened his own and we tapped the necks together, drinking deeply from them. Oh yeah, nine in the morning and we're already drinking. But what can I say? We're the Baker twins; we always found it hard to conform to the norm of society.

I was so busy watching all the others get drinks I didn't notice that the bus was already moving to take us to the first date of the tour. Wherever that was. Matt waved his hands to shut us all up before yelling at us and finding we instantly fell silent. "Okay so a toast to the Warped Tour. And to having friends come with us for once," he said raising his drink, flashing a wink in my and Sarah's direction.

"To what Matt said!" Zack and I said simultaneously raising our half full beers and simultaneously drinking from them.

"What Matt said!" The rest of them chimed, chinking their drinks with everyone else and drinking from them. I excused myself from them all and headed to my bunk where I stretched out - having plenty of spare room because of my tiny frame - and opened my sketchbook.

Touring meant plenty of time doing nothing which gave me a chance to come up with new designs and work on the old ones. If they thought I was going to do nothing but 'merch girl' things, they were gladly mistaken. They said the tour was fun and I was going to make sure I had fun.

Once I had finished my sulking, that is.
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Modified: 3rd May 2009