‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 5

Grabbing the baseball cap off my brothers head, I put it on my own before skipping off with a laugh, towards the outfield. As in true Warped Tour fashion, our Kickball match (between several bands, their managers, roadies, merch people and anyone else who had been roped into it) was graced with the traditional Warped Tour weather.

Zack and I were known to be remarkable baseball players back in our hometown, and so kickball had come pretty much naturally to us. Zack was the guy to have on your team if you wanted plenty of runs since his execution of each swing of a bat or kick of a ball were impeccable, whilst I was the better twin for fielding despite being tiny. I was very fast and I was a good catcher.

For this reason the Berry's had insisted we were put on separate teams to see how we faired, since usually we were on the same one which was near enough usually the winning team. Either way I found myself in the outfield as everyone else sorted themselves. Like I had said, it was made up of bands, band managers, roadies, the merch people, and any other people who had come along making it one large game of kickball.

I had no idea who was on my team or who I was even playing against. Granted, I knew a few faces from magazines but they weren't my friends. The only people I knew were Zack, Sarah, the rest of the band and the Berrys. I was surprised Jason was even playing given Brian had, yet again, yanked off his toenail with pliers. Which he then went and ate cause he's a dweeb like that.

But Jason's toe infection and Brian's eating of said infected nail aside, I was more of one to listen to a band rather than to look at a band and I certainly didn't use the guys to meet them. If I did meet a band it was purely because I was with the guys at the time, not because I had bugged and bugged until Zack set it up that we met.

Obviously this summer was going to result in meeting plenty of people, but right now I was playing kickball and that was good enough. Jason stopped thirty feet away from me and grinned, giving me the thumbs up. "I can't believe your playing with your toe in the condition it's in!" I laughed.

"If the entire toe had dropped off I wouldn't but so far so good," he answered still grinning from underneath his own cap. So typical, but then knowing Jason he would still play if his toe dropped off.

"Dude, you are such a bad ass fucking liar!" I laughed some more. "You need to go to Lie School or something, you can't lie for shit!"

"Yes I can, I told Brother Vengeance he was pretty and he believed me."

We both looked at Zack where he was standing, hugging Sarah from behind and kissing her neck. That or saying something funny because she was laughing. We looked back at each other finally. "Dude Zack thinks he's pretty anyway, so he'll believe anyone that tells him, even someone as bad at lying as you are Jason."

"Dammit, why are you so good at retorts?" He pouted.

I grinned triumphantly and barely a few moments later the game began. After three innings and by the time Zack was staking his place to kick again, I had no idea who was winning but I didn't care because it was fun. Yes, I just admitted I was having fun and we'd only got as far as San Diego.

I watched as Zack kicked the ball and it came soaring in my direction, but, obviously, it wasn't coming right for me. It was going way over my head. I ran backwards as everyone watched and just as I put my arms out to catch it, so did someone else. You'll be happy to know we caught it.

Bad news was that we were right at the top before the slope and I pretty much lost my balance and dragged this other person down to the bottom, laughing at myself as I did so until I lay at the bottom, sprawled in the grass with this other person sprawled over me, laughing as hysterically as I was.

"At- hahaha at le- hahaha least w, we ca-hahah-ught it!" I laughed.

"Oh man, that was funny!" So it was a guy. "Are you okay?"

I wiped my eyes of the tears, realised Zack's hat wasn't on my head and that my jeans had attempted a break for freedom as I rolled down the hill, and looked at the guy on top of me. Instantly I was looking into a pair of the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen, coloured with a luscious bright hazel and flecked with green. The laughing stopped almost instantly as I found my breath taken away by this man, this beautiful man.


Suddenly his weight lifted off me and I saw Zack pushing the guy away slightly before helping me up, his eyes nervous and swimming with concern as he checked me over. Practically everybody from the game was scattered about the hill watching this as Zack went into over-protect mode. "Are you okay?" He asked, yanking me towards him and straight into a death hug. "Does anything hurt? How's your head? You didn't bang it did you?"

I pushed him off and straightened my clothes out. "We shared three brain cells before, we still share 3 now. My limbs are all intact, my organs have yet to fail, your hat is over there and-" I now smirked "-I do believe you are out."

Zack frowned. "I was only making sure you were okay."

"I know, and I love you for it, but I also caught you out so stop changing the subject."

Ignoring Zack I now turned to the guy I had dragged down the hill with me. He was standing with four other guys who were laughing at him. The tall skinny one with glasses looked up and noticed me looking and inclined his head in my direction. The guy turned, hiking his jeans up his frame some and smiled at me.

I took a small step towards this insanely attractive guy. "You okay?" I asked, sounding like such a dork in my head and probably sounding like an even bigger one to him. "I would have asked sooner but Zack kinda yanked you away before I could."

"Yeah, I'm, I'm fine, absolutely, no- nothing hanging, off, brain still where it should b- be," he stuttered in a squeaky voice, his tattooed fingers twisting the hem of his red top around as his black hair fell messily into his face, much like mine was doing. I felt a goofy smile on my face and my heart sped up a little. I had to introduce myself, I wanted to know his name.


"Come on lets get you back to the bus where you can't hurt yourself," Zack interrupted me, yanking me away from the guy and dragging me up the hill. A look of disappointment paced through his beautiful features and all I could offer was a weak smile before turning round and obediently following my brother and friends.
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Modified: 3rd May 2009