‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 6


Zacky Vengeance kicked the ball, sending it flying in my direction so naturally I went after it. Reaching my arms out, I collided with somebody else, the ball landing in our tangled arms. I grinned, a cheer going up from our team that he had been caught out until, that was, they stumbled backward slightly where we stood on the edge of the slope.

I grabbed my arms out to try and stop them rolling down the hill, resulting in my being dragged down too. I burst into a fit of laughter when I stopped, burying my face in the stomach of the person I had gone down with. "At- hahaha at le- hahaha least w, we ca-hahah-ught it!" She laughed.

"Oh man, that was funny!" I giggled some more as I propped myself up off of her. "Are you okay?"

Her eyes were still shut from laughing but she brought her hands up to wipe away the laughter tears, before opening her eyelids properly and allowing me to see the amazing emerald coloured eyes they had kept hidden. Actually, she was just breath takingly beautiful, but her eyes...I'd never seen eyes that colour. The both of us stopped laughing, instead opting for staring at one another.


Suddenly I felt a hand grasp around my arm and pull me up and away from her, my eyes not once leaving her though. "Get off her Iero," someone said and I looked round to see Zacky Vengeance moving away from me and helping her to her feet.

Another hand touched at my arm and I span away to see my friends grinning manically at me, which caused me to break out in a grin as I brushed grass off of my jeans and my top. Bob held up the cam-corder, training it on me and laughing so I just waved to it. "I trust you got that on Bob Cam?"

"You know me too well," he answered.

"Have fun?" Gerard smirked at me. "Tumbling down the hill with a pretty girl?"

"She was gonna fall, and I tried to stop her but it went wrong," I reasoned, ruffling my hair up to get the grass out as they laughed at me. Then Mikey inclined his head beyond me and as I pulled my pants up a little I turned to see her standing, playing with her hands and smiling at me, taking a smell step in our direction.

I smiled back at her, butterflies starting their very own mosh pit inside my stomach as I just looked at her. She was three inches shorter than me and her hair was very long, coming to her mid back at its longest point, though I figured they were extensions because they looked like them.

"You okay?" She asked. "I would have asked sooner but Zack kinda yanked you away before I could."

"Yeah, I'm, I'm fine, absolutely, no- nothing hanging, off, brain still where it should b- be," I squeaked stupidly as my fingers began my nervous habit of playing with the hem of my top, whilst my hair fell of its own accord into my face, much like hers. A goofy smile broke out on my face as she too grinned. I was making such an idiot of myself in front of her, it was unbelievable.

"I'm-" she began but never got to finish because Zack cut her off, grabbed her arm and began pulling her back up the hill.

"Come on lets get you back to the bus where you can't hurt yourself," I heard him say, as his band mates followed after him. She gave a small smile at me before turning and following them all. I watched the tiny nameless woman retreat from sight before sighing out of disappointment.

Until something hard connected with my shoulder painfully. I reached up to rub it as I looked round to see Bob stood in close proximity to me. "Dude! Frank's blushing!" He yelled out, pointing an accusing finger at me.

"I am not blushing!" I retorted, probably too quickly.

"Aww, he's in love with Sister Vengeance!" Gerard cooed, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Sister Vengeance?" I frowned, completely ignoring the rest of the statement, purely because Gerard had named her.

"Or Faith Baker, whichever you know her as," Mikey now informed me. "Zack's twin sister; younger by a full thirty minutes."

"Faith," I repeated, more to myself than to anybody else. "She looks like a Faith."

Gerard laughed at me and I scowled before noticing the hat sitting on the grass. It was the one Faith had been wearing before our trip down here. I moved and picked it up before jogging to the top of the hill to see if she was around. All I saw was the resumed game, however, and then in the distance the tour buses.

No Faith. No Avenged Sevenfold.

The guys joined me as I studied the black cap with the black and white check material and the red symbol on front. I chewed on my lip as I glanced up out of hope she remembered she had forgotten her cap but there was no such luck. "I'm hungry," I frowned instead, to deflect our conversation away from what had just happened.

I looked across to see Ray and Gerard both close their mouths, knowing I'd got there just in time. "Let's go find some food then," Mikey spoke up and we headed back off for our bus.
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Modified: 3rd May 2009