‹ Prequel: Everyday Combat

Angel With A Devilish Angle

Chapter 7


That night I lay in my bunk, my arm around Sarah, but my mind concentrating on something entirely different. Pushing back the curtain slightly, I glanced down to the bunk across and down from mine. Faith had fallen asleep with the curtain still open, the light in her bunk left on and her iPod still plugged into her ears, the soft sound of the music still playing out.

I smiled fondly as she shuffled, and turned to face Johnny's bunk under mine, before settling down once more. She was so still, and her skin so smooth and unblemished she may as well have been a doll. Carefully I slid down from my bunk, making sure not to wake Sarah so early, and crouched down at my sisters side.

I reached out, pulling the earbuds from her ears, and extracted the little blue iPod from her hand before switching it off. I moved her sketchbook and pencils, sliding them under her bunk, then pulled her covers over her. She shuffled some more and I froze, hoping I hadn't woken her. When she lay still again I breathed a sigh of relief.

Gently I swept her hair back from her face, and kissed her forehead. "I love you Faith," I whispered, before switching off the little light and drawing the curtain across. That done I hopped back into bed. But my deed didn't quell my mind and sleep refused to return to me so, at 5:17am I climbed out of bed and headed to the front of the bus.

I made myself a drink before switching the TV on. My mind knew nothing of interest would be on but that didn't stop me from doing it. After a while someone shuffled through and sat down beside me, yawning. I turned to look at her and kissed her softly, before resting my head on her shoulder.

"What are you up at," I glanced to the nearest clock, "six in the morning for?"

"What's up Zack?" Sarah enquired, completely brushing my question aside.

"I can't sleep," I replied.

"No I meant, why not? You always can't sleep when something is on your mind," she explained; she knew me so well.

"Faith," I mumbled as I slipped my hand into Sarah's and laced my fingers through hers. "And Frank Iero."

"Aww, did you see the way they were looking at each other?" Sarah now burst out. "That was so cute! It was like love at first sight, they couldn't take their eyes off of each other!"

"Yeah and that's exactly what's bothering me."

"That's stupid," Sarah frowned, leaning away from me so that my head slipped and I fell sideways until I regained control of myself and sat up properly. "Are you scared she'll fall for him or something?"

I studied Sarah carefully, before standing and leaving her not only alone but with no answer. I resented the fact she could so easily pick on my biggest flaw and talk about it so openly, as if she were talking about a gig.



The following day - graced with, and you will never have guessed this, sunshine and hot weather; yes, sarcasm is my friend - I was set to work on the merch table whilst the guys went off to watch other bands, came back to help, and basically just wandered around.

And yes, I was having fun. The kids were as crazy as they were when me and the guys were 16 and standing sweaty in front of the stages, jumping around to our favourite bands and waiting in line for ages just to meet them. Plus, they all seemed to recognize me. Granted I only ever got called Sister Vengeance but that wasn't the point.

Eventually Sarah joined me again, minus Baker Twin #1, and passed me a sandwich and a bottle of water. I gave her a toothy grin, my lips stretching underneath the cold rings either side of my bottom one. I hugged her, before grabbing a chair and dragging it up to the table with the merch set out on it.

I hadn't eaten since breakfast and since it was now almost one it was safe to say I was pretty hungry. Sarah sat down with me as a few kids started pointing at her too, and I could hear the general whisper of "that's Zacky Vengeance's girlfriend and sister". We glanced at each other and laughed.

"Where is he, anyway?" I asked through my mouthful of chicken sandwich.

"Getting ready for their set," she replied, picking up one of the stickers from the table and studying it.

"Haha, what losers, they're going to die on the stage," I laughed as I finished up my sandwich. Sarah raised an eyebrow at me as I began gulping the water down before stopping with a sheepish look and a shrug. "What? I was hungry. Anyway, I wanna go stick stickers to kids."

I threw my rubbish in the bin liner under the table and stood, turning to the other merch girl, Lucy, who I didn't really like because she kept going on about my brother like one day they would get married. Even with Sarah sitting here. "I'm going to hand stickers out," I informed her, grabbing up some handfuls and making sure my pass was around my neck. "If you don't like it, complain to my brother and the guys."

That done I turned to Sarah who was grinning, and pushed her in the direction of the flap so that we could get out from the tent. I was glad I had remembered to plaster on the sunscreen before I'd left the bus that morning since it was so damn hot. I put my sunglasses over my eyes and scanned around, before I felt my heart quicken its pace.

Over in the distance was him, the one I had dragged down the hill with me the day before. He was with the tall guy with the afro, laughing at something. He was just so...perfect, it was unbelievable. He was only a little taller than me, and quite skinny for a guy but I didn't care. But my attention was yanked away from him when Sarah's words swam into my head, "-to get your hair cut."

I stopped walking and stared at her, my mouth agape. I didn't have a clue what she had said before that, but what I had heard was enough to make me react that way. "You weren't listening were you?" She frowned with a sly grin. I shook my head. "I said, Zack and the guys are gonna get the kids at each place on the Warped Tour to sponsor you to get your hair cut, and then when it's over, they're gonna film it and put it on the website for the fans to see."

"They're what?!" I screeched, my hands flying up to cover my precious long black hair.

"They're gonna give all the money to charity, they're not keeping it for their own purposes!" Sarah hurried, trying to defend the guys honour.

"And they didn't think to ask me?!" I hissed, still holding my hair protectively.

"Oh come on, it's for a good cause," Sarah reasoned.

I chewed on my bottom lip, slowly bringing my hands away from my head. Then I looked back up at Sarah. "Have they chosen the charity?" She shook her head. "Well if they insist on doing it, I'm choosing who the money goes to."

"Isn't it a good job they nominated me to tell you whilst they were on stage huh?" Sarah then grinned. I frowned even more. I should have known, the sneaky shits.

"I'm gonna fu-"

"Oooo, you're Faith Baker!" I heard a voice yell behind us and we turned to see someone I had never seen in my entire life, but someone I figured was a roadie, coming towards us. I glanced at Sarah who also had one eyebrow raised curiously. "Your brother requests your presence on stage. Good job your tattoo was on show or I wouldn't have found you."

"Heh," I laughed feebly before following after him. He led us right up to the stage side as the guys were finishing up Eternal Rest for the crowd who had gone insane and were screaming back the lyrics to Matt. Then it ended and the crowd cheered and clapped. I watched as Zack stepped up to the microphone.

"Okay, so I would like to invite up onto the stage, someone I hold very close to my heart, my twin Sister Vengeance. Faith get your butt out here now!" I felt Sarah shove me in the back and I scowled at her grinning face before walking out properly onto the stage to stand with Zack. I moved my sunglasses from my head and put them in my pants pocket.

The crowd cheered for me, which was quite retarded since I was only his half-an-hour-younger sister and not some famous person from a band who should be cheered.

"Now, guys and dolls, I trust all of you can see the lovely long black hair on Sister Vengeance's head?" Brian said into his own microphone before making a motion with his finger, indicating for me to turn so the crowd could see it. Yet again, a cheer erupted in response.

"Trademark Baker family black hair," Zack commented, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Well, it's pretty much her most prized possession, after me of course, but just this morning, darling Faith decided to do an honourable thing to help others."

I decided to do an honourable thing? Oh Zack was so a dead man when we were back on the bus and out of eyesight.

"All through this Warped Tour, we want you guys to dig deep and sponsor Faith to have it cut short for charity. Then, at the end of the tour, we shall whisk her away to a hairdresser and film her getting it cut so that you guys get proof it happened," Matt explained. "And the charity Faith chose is...?"

"Err, the, err," I had to think quick. What charity was important and actually held a meaning to my family? "The American Association for Cancer Research. So, err, dig deep, guys. It's for a damn good cause!"

An even bigger cheer went up from the crowd and I felt oddly good about the whole situation. With fans like the guys had, we were bound to have collected loads by the end of the Warped Tour. I smiled and gave a small wave before heading off stage to Sarah once more so to go and do what I had originally intended, and stick the stickers to the kids.
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Modified: 3rd May 2009