Something That Makes Me Whole


Brian proved more annoying than Orchid had first thought and after only a week was wishing she had accepted the place at the college in New Jersey. He still insisted on walking through the apartment naked and had started brining back a different girl nearly every night. Not to mention the other annoying things had begun.

Sarah, on the other hand, found no fault with Zack and vice versa. In fact, relationships went so swimmingly in room 6661, that the two of them had been on a date with one another before the week was out and were impossible to part, excepting the times when they had to go for lectures and the like.

Orchid looked down at her binder full of notes from just the first week and away from the kissing couple at the same table. Sarah had been through a lot of hurt in past relationships, just like herself, and Orchid was happy that Zack made her happy. Really happy. Even though, on the sly, she had threatened him with castration if he ever hurt her in any way, shape or form. Not that she told Sarah this.

“Okay,” Orchid finally resigned “I’m going to my room to let you two love birds be in peace.”

“Jimmy thinks you’re cool, you know.” Zack suddenly said to her; he was also in his second year studying music with Brian. He was the childish one everybody said she would like.

“So does Matt.” Sarah added. Matt Sanders, another of the friends studying music. He was sweet like Jimmy, but he was annoying like Brian.

Orchid stopped putting her binder away and looked up at them, a few strands of her hair falling into her eyes. She blew them back out of the way. “Ok.” She simply said, and carried on.

“Jimmy thinks you’re cute.” Zack went on and Orchid just looked at him blank as she stood up.

“If you don’t get to the point of this between now and my right foot setting down in that direction you can just forget the sentence Zack.” Orchid went on. “Oh dear, lost your chance. I’ll catch you guys later.”

“Zack was just trying to tell you that may be you should spend some time with Jimmy, like I do with him. I mean I spend time with Zack.” Sarah called after her friend who just disappeared out of the café doors.

“She really needs a boyfriend.”

“She’s taking a break, dick weed, now can we go elsewhere? It’s so nice outside. It’s also nice in our room.”

“I’m voting for our room.” Zack said, standing up and running to the doors.


Orchid took her time walking back to the room to give the little ho who she had spent the morning cooking breakfast with whilst she dreamed about a guy she could never had, a chance to fuck him one last time, get dressed and leave. Besides that it was a nice day and she wanted to enjoy it. It also gave her time to contemplate what Sarah had yelled at her. She liked Jimmy too; he made her laugh and he was such a gentleman which always scored highly in her books. But she also found herself oddly attracted to the asshole she was rooming with.

Finally Orchid made it back up to her corridor and when she heard the click for the key she hesitated, before pushing the door open. If Brian was naked she couldn’t care less, he was hot and he was nice to look at; and if someone important like the dean followed her in and caught him it wasn‘t her fault he was busted. “Brian, I’m home.” Then she stopped. He was sat on the floor between the sofa and the TV rubbing his head. “What the fuck?” She asked, stepping around him and dumping her stuff before turning back to him.

“I fell.” He mumbled, continuing to rub his head and looking up at her sadly.

“Fell from-” then she stopped when she saw the tube of glue on the coffee table; for some reason she got the strange urge to look up. As she did her eyes met his trainers, stuck to the ceiling. He was playing a game, he had to be. “You know what, if that’s how it’s going to be, fine. I’ll just play you at your own game Haner.”

“Wow, you’re smarter than I gave you credit for Watson.” He said, pulling himself to his feet. “I am impressed. Last year’s roommate never worked it out. Or rather roommates on account of the fact they kept getting moved to other accommodation.”

“I’m not moving anywhere, so you’ll just have to learn to deal!” She called to him from her room. “By the way, the glue you used is super strength. The only way your trainers are coming down is in bits or not at all!”