Status: On serious hiatus until Kristen remembers this story. Sorry, guys.

New Perspective

Chapter 4

Zack poised his pen above his paper, wondering what to write. He had the letter from Jack set on the desk beside his idle left hand. He set his mind to work on his letter and the pen seemed to fly across the page as he worked. When he finished, he sat back, proud of himself. He sat back and lifted his letter up so he could admire his handiwork... and make sure it was perfect.

Dear Jack,

I understand awkward, that seems all I know as of late. It's hard to get back into being a pen-pal after close to 8 years, I know. I had a pen-pal when I was 12 so I get what you're talking about.

You sound like a really cool guy, which isn't something I can normally say in all honesty because I have one friend and I'm possibly the only one who thinks he's cool. That says something about me, I think. I'm not a normally social person so this whole write to a stranger across the country thing seems to be the best way to make friends.

As for myself, I'm in a large school, lost in the sea of students that don't know me and I don't know them. I'm a shy kinda person so my classmates tend to look me over. They regard me as weird because I can answer a trigonometry question and be 100% correct without making a mistake in any place. I myself am too a dork and a nerd. I don't mind that you play with bugs or serf the web. I like singing and figuring things out like puzzles and riddles.

I do have an AIM and a Facebook. My screenname for AIM is zackaddy123 and you can find me through Facebook at Zackary Addy.


Zack Addy

He nodded and got up from his chair, walking past Sweets and setting his letter on Ms. Audas' desk for her to glance over. She picked it up and did just that. She smiled when she was finished.

"Very nice, Mr. Addy." she replied and put the letter in the same manilla folder her friend had sent to her with the letters for her students in. Sweets appeared beside Zack with his own letter and Zack caught the length of it.

"Angela writes a lot." Sweets said with a smirk.

Zack shook his head and walked back to his desk. Sweets followed when Ms. Audas had approved his letter.

"She talked about FASHION, man! FASHION! What do I know about fashion anyway? Do I LOOK like someone who can talk about fashion?" Sweets said with a huff, plopping down in the chair beside Zack.

"She doesn't know what you look like." Zack reminded him with a chuckle. He wondered silently to himself what his pen-pal would think of him, worried that Jack might not like him.
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sorry it took so long...
just habit i suppose