Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

She Wraps Her Tragic Moments

Wriggling further into the blankets on my bed I tried to stop my head from pounding.

It didn't work.

The thudding and banging that was my reason for being awake continued downstairs. I swallowed, summoning up all the moisture in my sandpaper-dry mouth. With a groan I turned around onto my back and immediately regretted it. Last night had been New Year's Eve and I seem to have gotten rather drunk at my big brother's party. Slowly I pushed myself up onto my elbows and eased my stiff legs out of the warm bed.

Looking up I caught sight of myself in the mirror across the room. My choppy dark hair stuck out at odd angles from my pallid face and last nights eyeliner was smudged onto my cheeks. If I squinted, which I really shouldn't have done as it just made my head hurt more, I looked like a panda. A panda with a nose ring and two monroe piercings but a panda none the less.

I held my head as I stood up, feeling like Bambi, on shaky legs. I am never, ever drinking again. Well, not until there's good enough reason to, like Jepha's birthday in three days.

Shit, Jepha.

We hadmade out kissed last night. Oh crap, Quinn is going to kill me. I've been crushing on one of my big brother's best friends since forever and last night I had kissed him, or had he kissed me? I smiled at the memory and winced at the pain the movement caused. Anyway, Quinn and I had a pact, neither of us were to date each other's friends. It just got messy and we decided that it was easier if we just didn't go there plus his friends are all too old for me, apparently.

Then I met Jeph.

Jepharee Michael Howard. My first, and biggest, crush.

I first met him when I was ten and I still thought boys had cooties, he was always nice to me, nicer than my big brother that's for sure. Liking moved up a notch to admiring in my early teens and by the time I was in high school I was crushing on him, hard. Even though the band was doing well and they were busy touring and recording Jeph always had time for me. Like when my date for senior prom unceremoniously dumped me two days before the dance he insisted on taking me and we had a blast.

When I graduated from high school I moved in with my brother Quinn and saw Jepha on practically a daily basis which, I now realise, is not a good thing when you feel for someone the way I feel for him. Obviously it's great spending time together and shit but when its time spent as 'just friends' it gets a little hard to take. So my New Year's resolution had been to stop liking guys I was never going to get i.e. Jeph.

It may have been the shortest kept resolution in the history of the world.

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