Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

But I Won't Let Go

I swung my legs back and forth as I sat on the front porch of Jeph's house. I had listened to what Bert had said this morning and decided to take some action.

So far that action had gotten me as far as Jeph's front door and I hadn't actually knocked yet.

"Are you intent on freezing your ass to something this winter?" Jeph's smooth voice came from behind me.

I smiled as I turned to face him, continuing to swing my legs, "Well I've got to have some sort of resolution this year after I fucked up my first one."

"Technically it wasn't the new year when you did that," he joined me on the wooden decking, swinging his substantially longer legs over the side.

"Oh, you're getting technical on me now?" I raised an eyebrow at him and stuffed my hands further into the pockets of my jacket, it really was cold out here.

Jeph chuckled and looked out into his small front yard, "So is there a reason you've taken residence on my porch or..."

"Uh," I picked at the rip in my jeans as I had an internal panic attack, "Well, I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

Still looking down I blurted out, "You and me, us. If there even is an us. Cause I know we've kissed a couple of times and I really like you and I want this to be something even though it could wreck a lot of things I think we should at least tell each other how we feel. So, I like you."

I took a deep breath and stared at the dark denim covering my thigh.

"I like you too, a lot."

I looked up at Jepha to check that those words had come out of his mouth and not just my head, "What?"

"I really like you too," he said slowly, a grin sliding onto his lips.

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