Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

Cause That Girl is Just Like Me

"I would've thought you guys get sick of eating take-out on tour," Amy mused as she lifted the lid off one of the many plastic containers littering the kitchen counters.

I nudged her with my hip as I tipped some food into a bowl, "Take-out means I don't have to cook."

"Hey, I cook!" Bert said indignantly.

I glanced over at him, "I meant cook food, not melt stuff."

"That was one time," he rolled his eyes and joined Jeph, Quinn and Dan at the kitchen table.

"It was many times," I muttered to Amy as we sat on the kitchen counter opposite the guys.

"You're just pissed cause he melted your Hello Kitty shit," Quinn commented through a mouthful of rice.

"It was freaking me out!" Bert exclaimed, "Who wants toast with a mouth-less cat's face burned on it?"

I rolled my eyes, "Well we won't get it anymore will we?"

"I think Hello Kitty's pretty cute," Jepha smiled at me.

I looked down at my food and tried to stop the blush I knew was spreading over my cheeks.

"Oh my God!" Amy squealed, causing the boys to turn and look at us.

"Excuse us, Amy had a traumatising experience involving a mouth-less cat," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the counter, down the hall and into my bedroom, closing the door securely behind us.

"Oh my God! You and Jepha!" she squealed again.

I threw a pillow at her head and flopped back on my bed, "Stop making that noise."

"I can't help it, you and him. Macy and Jepha!" Amy stood on my bed and started to bounce gently, her long blonde hair swishing around her, "Why aren't you, like, ecstatic?"

I shrugged, "I've had a while to get used to it."

"Aren't you excited though?" Amy asked, dropping down next to me.

I shrugged again and looked up at the ceiling, "I am excited it's just - it could mess a lot of stuff up so we're not telling anyone. So you can't tell anyone."

"Cross my heart," Amy drew an 'x' over her blue shirt with her finger and lay down next to me, "You'd have cute babies."

I rolled my eyes at her and opened my mouth to reply when suddenly my door burst open and Bert and Dan appeared on the other side.

"I told you they did dirty stuff in here," Bert grinned.

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