Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

I'm Going to Choke on Her Life Again

Jeph and I had managed to escape from the rest of our friends for the day. As we wandered around the large park about an hour from home he discreetly took my hand.

I looked down at our intertwined fingers and smiled.

"So my friend CW called me today," Jeph started.

"Yeah?" I replied, trying to disentangle myself from Zelda and her leash.

"Yeah, he was asking me when I'm heading back to L.A.," he said casually.

I almost fell over the small dog at my feet. I had forgotten that the boys would need to go back soon, to finish recording the album.

Swallowing I tried to regain my composure, "Oh? What did you say?"

"I told him that I'd be sticking around here for a little while."

I glanced over at him, "You don't need to stay because of me. If you have work to do then don't let me get in the way of that. I don't want to be in the way of that."

Jeph threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his chest, "I'm staying because I want to. And I can't record the bass stuff until we get the guitar I'm going to be playing delivered anyway. You don't need to get all defensive."

"I wasn't being defensive, I was just letting you know that now we're doing this," I waved my finger between our faces, "It doesn't mean anything has to change."

"I know it doesn't but I want to hang out here, with you, for a little while longer. Is that okay?"

I grinned and pecked him on the cheek, "It's more than okay."

"Good cause Zelda just found a giant pile of dog shit and I do not want it all over my car," he released his grip on me and ran after the small dog.

I laughed as he scooped her up in his arms just before she could investigate her find.

"What is it with girls causing trouble?" Jepha asked the puppy as he wandered back to me.

"Hey," I whacked the peak of his hat playfully, "It's not just girls I'll have you know."

"Oh really?" he had that teasing glint in his eye that usually meant he was up to something.

I screamed with laughter as he, still with Zelda in his arms, chased me around the patch of grass we had wandered onto. Eventually he caught me and pulled me close to him, Zelda squished between us.

"Ew Zelds, I love you but I'm not into girl on girl," I squirmed away from the excitable little dog who was trying to lick my face.

"That's not what Bert said," Jepha grinned.

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