Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

I Just Want to Get Through to Her

I practically fell off the dryer as I threw myself in between Jepha and Bert.

"At last you guys are finally getting it on!" Bert grinned.

"Bert, you can't say anything. Please, you can't tell Quinn," I pleaded with him but one look at his glossy eyes told me he was too inebriated to understand.

He giggled and clutched his beer bottle to his chest, "Jepha and Macy sitting in a tree, f-u-c-k-i-n-g."

"Bert," Jeph warned as his friend turned to go back to the party.

I ran my hands through my hair and squeezed my eyes shut, this was not how I wanted Quinn to find out about Jepha and I.

"It'll be okay, he's too drunk for anyone to believe him," Jeph turned me around and pulled me into his chest, his arms wrapped securely around my shoulders.

I sighed against his shirt, "Maybe I should just go and make sure."

Pushing my way through strangers I spotted the back of Bert's dyed-blonde head and almost ran to catch up to him.

Then I saw who he was talking to and I stopped, just close enough to hear Bert's giggling and to see the hard expression on my brother's face.

"You know I never thought they'd actually get their asses in gear to do it," Bert was saying, "I mean they've liked each other for forever then they made out at New Year. And they're always messing around and shit it's about time they got in each other's pants."

"Where is the fucker?" Quinn growled as he stalked past me without a second glance.

I ran after him, "Quinn stop, please, you're just going to do something you'll regret. There's nothing to be mad about."

"Nothing to be mad about," he spun around and stopped in front of me, dangerously close, "So I'm not allowed to be mad about my friend taking advantage of my little sister just cause she's had a crush on him?"

"Jeph didn't take advantage. I'm not a little kid anymore Quinn, I know what I'm getting into here," I tried to reason but it just seemed to make him angrier.

"You don't know shit Macy. You think it's going to be happily ever after? What happens when you go back to college and we go back to L.A. what are you gonna do then? What about when we tour around the country, around the world? Are you okay with being alone for months at a time, wondering if he's out there fucking other girls?"

I stepped back from him, suddenly terrified of my big brother. The guy who was supposed to love and protect me was yelling in my face and basically scaring the shit out of me.

"Quinn you don't need to yell at her she's done nothing wrong," Jepha appeared behind my brother and was approaching us.

"You, you can just shut the fuck up. Where do you get off telling me what to do when you lied about being with my sister?" Quinn had focused his attention on Jeph and I took a second to regain my composure.

"We didn't lie," I tried to explain, "We just didn't want to mess anything up without good reason to."

"Well that plan didn't work too well did it?" Quinn spat.

I looked over at Bert who was still giggling into his beer bottle and rolled my eyes, "You know what Quinn? Be mad, I don't care anymore. I like Jeph and he likes me, we're just going to see where it goes from here. So fuck you if you can't deal with that."

My face was burning with anger and embarrassment as I shoved my way out of the living room, past the now silent party goers and walked down the hall to the sanctuary of my bedroom. Taking some of my anger out on the couple making out on my floor I slammed the door shut behind them and sank down on the bed.

How did everything get so fucked up so fast?

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