Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

Watching Her Life Pass Her By

Jepha came down the stairs shortly after Quinn and I had sort of made up, "Is it safe to come in here or should I make a quick getaway?" he asked.

I looked between him and Quinn, praying I wouldn't have to break up a fight.

"Do what you want man, we're just getting ready to leave," Quinn said as he got up from the table along with Bert.

"You're still going back to L.A.?" I asked.

"Yeah," Quinn shrugged.

"Is this how it's going to be?" Jeph asked, "We're just not going to talk?"

"Well according to Macy you guys are going to be together forever so I guess you hurting her or breaking her heart is never going to come into. Being her big brother is going to be a little redundant," Quinn said, his voice dangerously low.

"So we're not friends any more, just like that?" Jeph threw his hands up in the air.

Quinn shook his head, "I don't think I want to have a friend that could go behind my back like you did."

I stood up from my chair and looked between the pair, a sense of deja vu washing over me, "Quinn we already went through this earlier."

"That was you Macy. Jeph's older so he should know better," Quinn glanced over at me.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this was madness.

"Why don't you just hit me again Quinn, would that make you feel better?" Jeph asked.

I turned to look at him and raised my eyebrows. Normally cool, calm and collected Jepha was rising to Quinn's bait.

"I can't believe this. I can't believe you two are actually doing this," I said more to myself that to anyone else.

"Guys let's not do this. Come on, there's no point making the situation worse," Bert said.

I glanced over at him and then between Quinn and Jeph, "He's right."

"What do you want me to say? 'Sure Jeph you can mess around with my little sister'?" Quinn asked.

"We're not just messing around Quinn," I told him, again.

"She's right," Jeph started, "I'm not going to hurt Macy, that's the last thing I wanna do. And if I do hurt her you can be first in line to kick my ass Quinn, cause I'll deserve it."

"You think that makes me feel better about what you two are doing? It's just too weird to even want to think about," Quinn screwed up his face and walked out the front door, taking his bags with him.

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