Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

Breathing it in Like a Deadly Poison

I stretched out on the sofa and turned the page of the book that I was reading. Quinn, Jeph and Dan were downstairs in the basement going over some new songs and I had no idea where Bert was.

Suddenly Dan's head popped up over the top of my book and I jumped which caused us to knock heads.

"Ouch Dan! What the fuck!" I yelled, holding my forehead as he rolled around on the floor groaning.

"What the hell's going on in here?" Quinn appeared with Jeph close behind him.

"He," I pointed an accusing finger at Dan, "gave me a fright and I whacked my head on his thick skull."

"It's your own fault for jumping!" he yelled, still rolling around and clutching his own head.

"It's your fault for having such a fucking scary face!" I called back.

I spotted Jepha chuckling away to himself and took some of my pain and embarrassment out on him, "Don't laugh at me!"

"I wasn't laughing at you," he smiled and I glared, "What were you reading anyway?"

I looked on in horror as he bent down to pick up the book that had flown out of my hand when mine and Dan's heads had made contact. It was a Christmas present that my friend Amy had given me and it was some slushy romance that she liked reading and thought I might like it.

Well her exact words had been, "It's about time you had some romance in your life, fictional or not."

"It's nothing," I flew forward and tried to grab it but Jeph beat me to it.

"Do you know what it is Quinn?" he asked as he tossed the book to my brother.

Although Jeph and I are good friends that doesn't mean he is above teasing me, he was friends with my brother first, after all.

"Quinn, give it back," I warned, at 5'3" it's hard to be intimidating but at least I try.

"Maybe you should come and get it," he grinned and held it above his head.

I put my hands on my hips and glared at him, "I'm not 5 years old Quinn, I don't fall for that shit anymore."

He shrugged, "If you're really not that bothered about," he turned the book the right way around in his hands to read the title and I took the opportunity to dart towards him and grab it out of his hand.

"Ha!" I yelled triumphantly.

At that exact moment a pair of heavily tattooed arms appeared around my waist and Jeph's voice yelled, "Grab it Quinn!"

I squirmed against his strong grip, "Let me go Jeph, or I'll kick you where it hurts."

"What if I like a little pain?" I felt his warm breath against my cheek as he whispered in my ear and stopped moving.

Quinn ran towards me and grabbed the book out of my hands.

"Oh my God, my little sister's reading a dirty book!" he threw his head back and laughed.

I felt my cheeks get hot, between Jeph's comment and my embarrassment I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust, "It's not a dirty book. It's just a romance novel you dumbass!"

I grabbed it off of him again and stormed down the hallway towards my bedroom.

"Macy, come back. We were just playing around!" I heard Jepha's voice call after me but I ignored him.

Slamming my bedroom door behind me I flopped down on the bed and threw the book into the far corner of the room. I wasn't exactly sure why I was mad, I just was and that was enough to satisfy me at the moment.

Playing around.

Was that what the other night had been, playing around?

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