Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

She Cries Cause She's Lost

"Come on Macy! You're making Zelda sad by staying in your room!"

I rolled my eyes and flicked the page of my magazine as Jeph yelled through my bedroom door. I had stormed in here just over two hours ago and Jeph had been outside the door the whole time, he had now resorted to bringing his long-haired Dachshund puppy, Zelda, into it.

"Come on Mace," he whined and I could hear the little dog scratching at the wood of the door frame.

With a sigh I rolled off my bed and walked over to the door. As I wrenched it open I realised Jeph must have been leaning against it as he flew backwards onto my dark pink carpet.

"Hi," he grinned as I looked down at him.

"That was a dirty trick involving Zelds," I leaned down to pick up the puppy and walked back over to my bed with her.

Jepha scrambled to get up and dropped down on my black comforter next to me, "I didn't mean to make you mad."

"You didn't make me mad," I sighed as I played with Zelda's ears, "She's going to trip over these one of these days."

Jeph nodded and looked down at his dog's brown fur, "Are you still mad?"

I rolled my eyes, "I wasn't mad to begin with I was just..." I trailed off and shrugged.

He opened his mouth and I pointed at him, "If you say anything to do with PMT I swear to God I'll throw you out of here so fast your feet won't touch the ground."

"I wasn't going to say anything of the sort," he grinned.

"You don't need to be embarrassed about that book you know," he broke the silence several minutes later, "I mean, trashy romance novels are a little low-brow for you but that's okay."

I looked at him, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He shrugged, "I just mean you're smart and stuff."

"I think your baseball cap's too tight," I reached out to grab it.

He saw me coming and just as I lunged for his head he threw his body over mine so that I ended up pinned underneath him on my bed. I lay there, all out of breath and heart pounding, and looked up at him as his eyes scanned my face. Then they met my eyes and we just stared at each other.

Thinking about it, it should have been weird. My older brother's friend lying on top of me, our faces barely inches apart. But it wasn't, in fact, it was kinda nice. Jeph was supporting his own weight with his elbows just above my head and his legs either side of mine. My Sugar Hooker shirt had ridden up a little, exposing my stomach to the cool metal of his belt buckle.

As his head ducked down I turned mine to the left and cleared my throat, "So it's your birthday party tomorrow."

He rolled off to the right and sighed, "Yup."

I nodded, glad he had gotten the hint. It wasn't that I didn't want anything to happen, I did, just not with my brother down the hall and my bedroom door wide open.

We sat in silence, trying to make the tension in the air disappear. Not being able to think of anything better to do I bit my lip and watched Zelda look between us.

Even the fucking dog knew there was something weird going on.

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