Sequel: Pull My Strings

Chasing Dragonflies

Her Eyes Grow Cold

I looked down at the brown liquid in my red plastic cup and sighed, "I've never felt so un-fucking-comfortable in my own home before."

Amy rolled her eyes next to me, "You say that like you've never worn a dress to a party before."

"I have. Just not a house party at my house, that's all. Everyone else is casual."

She shrugged and watched some random people we didn't know 'dance' in the middle of my living room, "Who wants to be like everyone else?"

I straightened my dress for maybe the millionth time, "Right now, me. I'm going to change."

"What about Jepha seeing you all hot and feeling the need to like, jump your bones or whatever?"

I shrugged, "If he doesn't like me when I'm me then he's not going to like me just cause I'm wearing a dress."

"True. Go and change then you big wuss," Amy smiled.

Pushing my way through the crowds of people I didn't know, I never seemed to know any of the people that attended parties held in my house, I finally made it to my bedroom.

I stood, struggling with my zipper for at least ten minutes when the bedroom door opened and shut quickly.

"Sorry, Mace I didn't know anyone was in here," Jeph leaned back against the door.

I smiled at him, "Who or what are you running away from?"

"This girl that will not leave me alone," he shook his head and looked over at me, "What are you up to?"

"Trying to change but I can't reach my zipper," I turned to show him the back of my dress and the offending piece of metal.

"Let me get it," Jeph said and I soon felt his warm hands on my back.

There was a tense silence as I felt my dress slacken and the cool air of the room hit my back.

"I didn't know you had a tattoo," Jeph mused and I could feel him trace the heart inked between my shoulder blades with his fingertip.

I turned to face him and smirked, "There's a lot of things you don't know about me Jepha."

Alcohol - confidence in a can.

He smiled, "Oh, really? Like what?"

"That would be telling," I smiled and slid my dress off, turning away from him to find something more comfortable to wear.

I heard him gulp, "Uh, do you want me to go?"

"Nope," I looked at him over my shoulder, "That girl might still be looking for you."

He nodded, "True."

"The perils of being a rockstar," I laughed as I pulled a Used shirt over my head.

"Yup, but on the plus side I get to see hot girls wearing our merch," he gently moved my longish hair out of the collar of my shirt.

"Is that a regular thing?" I asked, trying to push the realisation that I was alone with Jepha, in my bedroom, only wearing a too big t-shirt and ladybug printed panties.

He cocked his head to the side and smiled, "Not regular enough."

I nodded and tried to suppress a smile.

"This is a really old shirt," Jepha reached for the hem.

I looked down and nodded, "I think it's one of the first ever made."

"That was a long time ago," he smiled.

"Yeah, you guys are all big rockstars now. Off recording in L.A. and leaving little old me behind in Utah," I smiled.

He looked up at me, "We're not leaving you behind. I don't think we'd be where we are if we didn't have you around. I know I wouldn't anyway."

I felt my cheeks burning, "Thanks."

"I mean it. You're special Macy, really fucking special. Don't let anyone tell you any different."

"I won't."

His hand had found my neck and his thumb brushed against my hot skin. I looked up at his brown eyes that seemed perfectly clear. The two and a half beers in my system hadn't had as much of an affect as last time we were in a situation like this so I was feeling a little nervous.

Jepha's lips barely brushed against mine, as if he was asking permission to kiss me. I grabbed the front of his black shirt, pulling his body closer to mine and crashing our lips together. His hands were on my hips, the soft cotton of my shirt riding up to expose more of my thighs and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Our kisses became deeper, like all our urges were finally being released and it felt so good.

But all the while in the back of my head was the thought that what we were doing was going to change everything.

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