Status: Over. Sequal? COMMENT.

So Scared of Getting Older, I'm Only Good at Being Young


I straightened out my skirt, nervous to be here. I looked at the other nineteen girls lined up next to me, and gave them a weary smile before I looked straight ahead like the camera man directed.

I was here because my friend had pushed me into it, insisting I needed a love life, and something exciting to happen. I signed up, I auditioned and now I was standing on the carpet, waiting for Alex Gaskarth to make his appearance. I didn't do well with competition, let alone with girls whose boobs could squash me like a can.

"Hey girls," A sudden voice appeared, I snapped my head up looking at the tall skinny boy. He ruffled with his hair a bit and gave us a smirk as he eyed us all up and down. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"As you all know, I'm Alex Gaskarth, and you lovely ladies are my girlfriends." He smiled. I really didn't want to be here. This was as fake as it could get. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms, avoiding the cameras.

"Let's go inside and get to know each other." Alex motioned for us to follow him. I was the last of the line, and his body guard was barely big enough to take down a team of little girls. I sighed as we entered the mansion.

"Who's up for a beer?" Alex offered. All of us cheered, and the body guard brought in a cooler. Alex shoved it towards us, after taking a beer for himself. I grabbed one, popping it open and sipping on it slowly.

"Let's go out to the back shall we?" He asked, as one of the girls began to rub up on him. She stroked his leg, and it everything in my will to keep my lips twisted upwards. We followed him outside. I took in the sight of the swimming pool, the lawn chairs, and the bonfire area.

"What's your name?" Alex smirked, walking up towards me.
"Lynne." I smiled, sticking out my hand.
"Nice to meet you, Lynne." Alex smiled, kissing my hand.
"Wish I could say the same." I mumbled.

Alex led me towards a couch, and pulled me to sit on his lap.

"Where are you from?" Alex asked, sipping on his beer.
"New York." I said softly.
"Really? I live in Maryland!" He said excitedly, grinning.

I nodded, and sipped on my beer. Watching the girls dance around to loud music, in their barely there skirts.

"So why'd you come here?" Alex asked.
"Friends pressuring me about a boyfriend, and I needed something exciting." I told him, looking into his eyes.

Alex nodded and examined the girls.

"Hey Alex," I heard a soft voice behind us. We both turned around, looking at the busty blond. Her boobs were barely covered by her shirt, Her jeans were too tight, showing off her muffin top, and her toes were squished together by a pair of stilettos.

"I'm going to go get another beer." I said, getting up. Alex nodded and I dismissed myself towards the living room. I stood against the wall, regathering my thoughts. I didn't belong here. I was acting like someone completely different. I wasn't a slut. I didn't want to wear clothes that exposed myself. I didn't want any of this. I wanted a normal relationship, not one based off a reality show.

"Elimination is tonight!" I heard the 'body guard' yell. I sighed, I didn't want to go just yet, but I didn't want to stay either. I grabbed a beer out of the cooler and walked back over to Alex, who was now swarmed with girls on either side of him.

Alex looked up at me, and patted his free leg. I took it happily, feeling special.

"Saving it for you." Alex whispered in my ear.
"Thanks." I whispered back, kissing his cheek.

I looked up, taking in the other girls; eying me with jealousy.

"Alright, Lady's. There's two hours until elimination. I'll see you Lady's then." Alex smirked, getting up. He walked back with his body guard and I sat with the other girls awkwardly.

"I'm Jen." One girl, with blond and black hair smiled.
"Lynne." I smiled.

After twenty minutes, I had met everyone. Some of the girls were snobby, some of them were quiet. Some of them were slutty, some of them were conservative. I stuck with the conservative ones.

"Who do you think will go?" Jen asked quietly.
"I don't know. Maybe Brittany." Brandi gossiped, looked over at her.
"Probably. She's was drunk and giving Alex kisses." I laughed, "I'm surprised he didn't get hydrated after all the slobber she left."

"Elimination ladies!" Matt, the body guard yelled.
"Ready?" Jen smiled.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I sighed, straightening out my jeans.
♠ ♠ ♠
This REALLY sucks.
But, I might re-write.
who knows.
