Status: Over. Sequal? COMMENT.

So Scared of Getting Older, I'm Only Good at Being Young


Jen and Miranda were still drinking when Alex and Jamie walked through the door. I was sitting on the barstool, trying to sober myself up with a bottle of water and a warm wet rag.

"What are you guys doing?" Alex asked, walking over.
"Drinking our sorrows away!" Miranda slurred horribly.
"Why?" Alex asked, raising his eyebrow.

The cameras were rolling. Miranda was going to embarrass herself on national television. I cupped my face with my hands.

"Because! You're fuckin' giving her all the attention!" Miranda yelled.
"Oh, you're a vet? THATS WHAT I WANT TO BE!" Jen mocked.

Alex's face was in pure disbelief. It contorted from shocked, to confused, to angry in less than thirty seconds.

"Elimination is tomorrow night, you guys better straighten up." Alex warned.
"Or what? We'll get kicked out? SO WHAT." Miranda yelled.
"You've got plenty of other girls to choose from!" Jen shouted.
"Like Jamie!" Miranda pointed to her.

Jamie's face blushed with red. I sat there, my mouth dropped open in complete awe. I couldn't believe they were doing this, right here right now. But I felt bad; it was the alcohol talking, they almost couldn't control it.

"I've got alot of thinking to do, night Jamie." Alex kissed her before ascending up the stairs. The other girls wandered down the stairs after avoiding us for a total of two hours.

"Well, well. I've got no competition here." Courtney snickered.
"You girls just made this a whole a whole lot easier." Kaitlyn smirked.

I walked with Jamie up the stairs, leaving Miranda and Jen to fend for themselves.

"I'm sorry." I said, still drunk. "They're just mad." I sighed.
"Really Lynne? I hadn't noticed!" Jamie exclaimed sarcastically.

I sighed and sat on the edge of my bed. Jamie slipped out of her clothes and put on her pajamas. She sat on the her bed, folding her legs underneath her body.

"They're going to get eliminated tomorrow." Jamie sighed, falling back.
"Yeah." I said bluntly, getting under the covers. Sleep sounded great.
"Night, Lynne." Jamie mumbled.
"Night." I murmured into my pillow.


"Ladies, get up, get ready for breakfast. Team number four, get ready for your date today." Matt said loudly throughout the intercom. I rolled over, my feet hitting the ground. My head was throbbing and I stumbled towards my suitcase sitting in the closet.

I slipped on a pair of gray cotton shorts, and an old t-shirt. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth after throwing my hair into a messy pony tail. Jamie was doing the same.

"Ready?" I sighed.
"Guess so." Jamie shrugged.

We walked down the staircase, meeting Alex and the other eighteen girls in the kitchen. We took the two empty spaces at the table. I looked around. Miranda looked horrible. Mascara was smeared under the eyes, her hair was a rats nest, and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

Jen looked like she wanted to cry. Her hair was thrown into a pony tail, and the bags under her eyes indicated that she hadn't slept a wink.

"G'morning, girls." Alex smiled, eating a forklift of eggs.
"Hi!" Courtney replied chirpy.
"Hey babe." Kaitlyn grinned, winking at him.

"So, as most of you know, we had an incident last night between two girls." Alex said, gazing at Miranda and Jen. "This decision will be hard, but when I get back from the date, we're all doing something together so you guys can try to make your last impression." Alex said, sipping on his orange juice.

I rolled my eyes. It seemed as if this was all just fun and games to him. Alex made it seem like just because we signed up for his show, he gets to control our emotions, how we feel, and how we want to act. It has to be the epitome of perfection or else he doesn't accept.

"Team four, you ready?" Alex asked, standing up.
"Yes baby," Dessie smiled, wrapping her arm around his waist.
"Let's go." Ashley smirked, lacing his hand with hers.

Brandi and Callie walked behind them, whispering in each others ears.

"Miranda, I can't fucking believe you!" Jamie shouted once Alex was gone.
"Excuse me, Miss. I like to hog all of the attention!" Jen stepped in.
"Guys-" I was cut off by more yelling.
"Fuck you! So much for being friends!" Miranda yelled, running off.
"Maybe later!" Jamie snarled back sarcastically.

My head fell onto the table. This was going to be one hell of a day.
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thank you guys for the feedback!
i decided to update again, because you guys gave me some feedback, and i was really bored.