Status: Over. Sequal? COMMENT.

So Scared of Getting Older, I'm Only Good at Being Young


It had been two hours since Alex left for the date. Jamie, Miranda and Jen were still down each others throats, yelling loud enough for China to hear them and call it a 6.7 on the rector scale.

"You guys, stop yelling!" I yelled, gripping my forehead.
"Hypocrite!" Miranda shouted back.
"Miranda, shut the hell up." Jamie sighed.

I looked up. Jen and Miranda were awkwardly staring around, Jamie in the middle of them. She gave me a slight smirk and looked at the both of them.

"It's her fault." Miranda mumbled, picking at her fingernails.
"Instigator." Jamie snapped.
"Whore." Jen continued.
"Oh, because I have alone time with Alex, automatically makes me a whore? That's like saying because you signed up to be here, you're a whore too!" Jamie shouted.

I sighed in defeat and got up angrily, walking over to the three girls.

"Listen you guys. Four of us are going home, and I wouldn't blame Alex if he sent all of us home. You're acting like a bunch of fucking fourteen year olds, and your yelling is not helping my hangover; and Miranda, if I'm not mistaken, you're the one who got drunk and embarrassed yourself last night, so shut the fuck up!" I yelled, storming off to the bedroom.

I climbed the stairs quickly, my head was throbbing. I was more than pissed off at this point. I was furious. I fell onto my bed, shoving my head into the pillow. I looked at the green eliminative numbers from the clock.


Alex should be back any minute. I had to talk to him. I rolled over, curling into a ball, blocking my eyes from the sunlight shining through the window and letting sleep take over.


"Lynne, get up. Hour before elimination." I heard Jamie whisper.
"What?" I grumbled, rolling over.
"Hour. Before. Elimination." Jamie pronounced, treating me like I was retarded.

I groaned loudly and rolled over, quickly getting out of bed. I dressed in a floral dress, and a pair of brown flats to match. I curled my hair loosely, letting it fall beneath my shoulders.

"Not bad, for being half asleep and hungover." Jamie laughed.
"Yeah, whatever, I guess. I have to go talk to Alex." I sighed, leaving the room.

I walked down the hall towards his bedroom, knocking on the big chestnut door.

"Come in!" Alex yelled, chirpy. I opened the door quickly and slipped in, closing it behind me. Alex was sitting on the bed, his guitar on his lap. He looked up, smiling at me.

"Hey Lynne, come sit." Alex said, patting the bed.

I walked over, sitting on the bed quickly. Alex began to strum the guitar aimlessly, eventually sliding into a song.

My ship went down, In a sea of sound,
When I woke up alone I had everything.

Alex sang slowly, turning towards me, smiling.

"What do you need?" Alex asked, setting the guitar down.
"I just needed to talk to you." I sighed, grabbing his hand.
"Alright, spill the beans." Alex laughed.

I took in a deep breath and looked at him.

"Alex, I really don't think I'm made out for this. Girls are yelling over you, and Miranda and Jen have been yelling at Jamie the whole day because she got one on one time with you. What happens when I do? I won't be able to handle all of this. I mean, I really like you. But I just, I don't know." I said quickly, avoiding eye contact.

Alex didn't say anything. He pursed his lips and looked around the room.

"Then leave." He said bluntly.
"What?" I gaped.
"Leave. If you don't think you can handle a little pressure, then you should go. I don't care. I've got nineteen other girls to choose from." Alex snapped, finally looking at me.

"I just need some reassurance." My voice faltered.
"Go somewhere else then. What do you want me to tell you?" Alex asked dryly.
"Just tell me that you like me." I said softly.
"Lynne, you know I like you." Alex smiled, leaning in.

Alex pressed his lips against mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck, running my fingers through the back of his hair. He pressed his lips harder against mine, biting and sucking on them.

"Alex, I should go get ready for elimination." I giggled, pulling away.
"Yeah." He sighed, leaning backwards.
♠ ♠ ♠

next chapter will be loads better.
thank you all for the comments, i srsly love you.