Status: Over. Sequal? COMMENT.

So Scared of Getting Older, I'm Only Good at Being Young


We were lined up for elimination. I stood next to Kaitlyn, Johannah on my other side. I fiddled with my hands nervously, biting my lip. Alex had said he liked me, so I wouldn't be going home; right?

"Hey girls," Alex smiled, stepping onto a podium. Matt brought out a briefcase, and Alex opened it, revealing nineteen necklaces with a guitar pick for a center piece, and tiny names scribbled on the bottom of them, which were unreadable.

"So, tonight, four of you are going home. I've done alot of thinking since the past challenge, and I've grown to like all of you, but some of you just aren't clicking with me." Alex paused and picked up the first chain, "Jamie, will you come and stay in the house with me?" Alex smirked.

Jamie giggled and stepped off the podium, walking down to him in her barely there skirt. She leaned over so he could slip the necklace on over her head. She kissed him and walked back over, taking her original spot.

Alex took another sigh, looking from Matt, to Jack, and to all of us. He picked up the neck chain and held it up, "Rachael?" He grinned.

I took in a deep breath. My heart was beating out of my chest increasingly fast. Kaitlyn, Courtney, Dessie, Ashley, Brandi and Callie had been all called down. My palms were beginning to get clammy.

"Lynne, would you come down here and get this chain?" He smiled, and winked at me. A wave of relief flowed over my body, making me feel calm. He slipped the necklace over my head and leaned in for a kiss.

"Don't ever have doubts like that again." Alex whispered in my ear. I smiled and kissed him one more time before I took my original place back up on the podium. Johannah, Meg, Cassie and Mariah were the next ones to accept the chains.

"Madison, Courtney, Miranda and Jen, would you please step down to the red carpet?" Alex asked softly. Tears pricked my eyes as I saw Jen and Miranda both walk down.

"You guys bring alot of drama to the house, from what I've seen. I can't have a girl that will start things the second something juicy happens. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to let you guys go." Alex sighed, closing the case. Matt took it and disappeared into the back room.

Miranda and Jen gave Alex a weak hug before they ran up the stairs. Courtney and Madison didn't say anything as they quickly walked off, heading for the staircase.

"You guys, are my fabulous fifteen!" Alex mocked a girly voice. We all laughed and joined him on the carpet, but my mind was elsewhere. I needed to say goodbye to Jen and Miranda.

"Hey Alex, I'll be right back." I told him, kissing him on the cheek quickly before I ran up the stairs and ran into our bedroom. Miranda and Jen were laughing on the floor as they quickly and hurriedly packed their things.

"Hey, guys." I said softly.
"Hey Lynne." Jen mumbled.
"Hey." Miranda said half-heartedly.
"I just wanted to say bye, and maybe we can keep in touch after the show?" I smiled, wrapping them both into a hug. Jen laughed into my shoulder.

"You're too nice for your own good." Jen giggled.
"Exactly. I don't know how much longer you'll last." Miranda shrugged.
"I'm going to head down. I'll talk to you guys later." I said, reminding myself this was competition, and I shouldn't even care about the other girls. Miranda was right, I was too nice.

I met Alex at the red carpet. He handed me a glass of wine and I sipped on it, looking at him. He pursed his lips, stifling a laughter.

"What?" He asked, ruffling my hair.
"Nothing, I'm just glad I stayed." I smiled.
"You'll probably stay till the very end, maybe, if you don't pull any shenanigans like the other four." Alex chuckled, putting his arm around my shoulder. He kissed me lightly.

"Lets go join the others outback." Alex said, kissing my temple.
"Deal." I giggled, looking up at him.

Maybe I was starting to fall for his boyish charm, and his good looks, but maybe that's all that was there. Could he actually hold a stable relationship? What if he can't handle me, and maybe I'm just too big of a wimp to handle him.
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second update for the day,
because i was in a writing mood.

check it out now, subscribe, comment, tell me what you like, and don't like, please?
and i might update sooner if you do so. :]