Status: Over. Sequal? COMMENT.

So Scared of Getting Older, I'm Only Good at Being Young


I slipped on my black flats, and walked nervously down the hall towards Alex's room, where he told me to meet him. I knocked on the door, pressing my ear against it quickly; hearing almost nothing.

Suddenly the door swung open, revealing Alex in a white shirt, with a black vest over it. His hair was styled over and he smirked at me. He looked good.

"Hi Lynne, come in." Alex grinned.
"Of course." I giggled, stepping past Alex.

I walked towards the couches, centered at the end of his large room and sat down.

"What do you have planned for tonight?" I asked casually, looking over my shoulder. Alex picked up two sleeping bags and a tent kit. I raised my eyebrow.

"Campin'." Alex laughed, juggling the three things in his arms. I hurriedly walked over to him and picked up the tent.

"Where at?" I asked as we left his room.
"In the forest, behind the back yard." Alex told me, chuckling.
"We could get eaten!" I gasped.
"By what? A fly?" Alex joked.

I had gotten use to the cameras. They were around 24/7, so it didn't really make much of a difference if they were around or not.

"Jack and Matt will be helping us set up, and then they'll be gone." Alex informed as we slipped past a gate that led to the forest. We walked up a hill and stopped at the top. The sight was breath taking. It over looked the whole city, the lights staring back up at me.

"Alex, it's beautiful!" I gushed.
"I know." Alex mocked, placing a hand over his heart.

I set down the tent carefully and noticed a bon-fire pit.

"We're going to catch ourselves on fire." I told him, shaking my head.
"Live a little, loosen up." Alex patted my shoulder.
"I can loosen up if I have third degree burns!" I argued.
"Or can you?" Alex raised an eyebrow.

I laughed and hit him in the chest, just as Jack and Matt made their appearance.

"You had to plan it to be so far up the fucking hill? Why not on the slant?" Jack whined, placing his hands on his thighs as he bent over, catching his breath.

"You just need some excersise. Jacky." Alex laughed.
"Lets get to work!" Matt said, rubbing his hands together.

I didn't object and I helped them set up the tent.

"Tent difficulties!" Jack called from the opposite side of me.
"Just put it in the hole!" I told him.
"That's what she said." Alex laughed.

I rolled my eyes and finished my side, rushing over to the other side to help Jack put it together.

"See not that hard." I told him, sighing.
"Speak for yourself." Jack laughed.

We all looked around, taking in the scene. Matt came over and dropped a bundle of wood in the bon-fire pit, and a box of matches.

"You guys are all set." He told us, waving before him and Jack disappeared down the hill. I turned to Alex awkwardly as he set up the sleeping bags inside the tent. I walked over to the pit and started the fire.

"One more thing, marshmallows!" Matt yelled, throwing them over the hill. They landed next to the tent which I quickly grabbed and ran towards the fire, sticking it on the metal rod it came with in the container.

"Cook me one!" Alex exclaimed walking over.
"Cook yourself one." I laughed, throwing him a rod and the bag of marshmallows.
"Some girlfriend you are." Alex scoffed.

The word girlfriend, made me gulp down my spit.

"So, previous boyfriends?" Alex asked, looking up at me through his hair.
"Yeah. I had one when I was eighteen, and then got out of the relationship because he was too clingy. Then, when I was nineteen, but he was a heavy drinker, and use to hit me. I haven't found anyone I can trust since then." I shrugged my shoulders, staring at the fire.

I felt Alex's eyes' burning into mine and I looked up. He gave me a look of bewilderment.

"He hit you?" Alex asked in disbelief.
"Yeah." I mumbled.
"I'm going to kill him." Alex said angrily. "Nobody should even have second thoughts of laying their hands on a girl!" He shouted.

"It's fine. I mean, I got out of it." I told him softly.
"Lynne, how could you ever think that is okay?!" Alex asked, confused.
"It's not! I know, but I'm saying it's fine since I got out of it!" I shouted back.

Alex and I kept quiet for a few minutes, staring at the fire.

"Look Lynne, I'm sorry. It's just that, it's bullshit you had to put up with that." Alex said, walking over to me. He pulled me onto his lap, and I nuzzled my face into his neck. Tears began to fall freely down my cheeks and I didn't even care. Alex rubbed my back, soothing me with a light hum.

"Alex?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He said softly.
"Please don't leave me." I sobbed.
"I promise I won't." Alex said honestly.
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this was dramatic.
was it any good? i might re-write. i didn't like it all too much.