Ice, Ice Baby!


Frank was sure he walked out of the ice arena with a bounce in his step. He was also sure he could still feel Gerard’s cold lips against his. He was once again sure, that what his friends said was true. He had a crush. However childish that sounded, it was true.

He was now sitting in his media class at college. He was bored and he wanted nothing more then to be skating with Gerard. He remembered how the skaters hands felt on his hips, how his chest felt pressed so close to his back. It was bliss. Whenever he thought about it, a rather large smile crept onto his face, his lip ring tugging, struggling slightly. He giggled to himself then looked down at his college book. He had written nothing, nothing but when he was planning to meet Gerard again.

Frank was meeting up with his friends, they were heading to the ice arena. His stomach did a little flip, that meant he was going to see Gerard. He was there everyday, without fail. As the college bell rang out, Frank leapt from his chair, threw his back pack over his shoulder and ran from the class. Once he arrived home, he jumped in the shower. Once out of there, he stressed and fluttered about like a great big girl, trying to choose a pretty outfit for the guy she liked. He giggled, realising what he was doing. In the end, he chose a pair of tight, tight black jeans and a horror shirt.

“About fucking time short ass!” Steven shouted to Frank as he ran up the steps towards the ice arena. Frank bit his lip, rolling his eyes.

He mumbled “Sorry.”

“What took you so long?! Jesus Frank, got enough deodorant on?” Frank blushed, quickly smelling himself. He would have been lying if he had said he didn’t want to faint when he sniffed. The smell was strong; he had used too much.

“Don’t worry! Come on” Steven pulled Frank by the hand, tugging him into the arena. After paying for their sessions, they grabbed their boots and eased onto the ice. Frank’s heart skipped a beat when he spotted Gerard. He was skating around in the middle, his boots spinning and scraping the ice elegantly. He was elegant. Frank’s eyes glazed over the figure, it was almost as if he was one, on top of a trinket box, gliding and twisting like a star. Frank found himself biting his lip softly, thinking back to the time where they had spun like that, where Gerard had taught him a thing or two.

“Frank! Earth to fucking Frank!” Taylor laughed, waving his hands in front of Frank’s intrigued eyes.

“Woah. Sorry, I was er, erm-”

“He was looking at that guy!” Steven informed the rest. Frank simply looked down at his boots, blushing.

“He was! Hey, Frank you like him don’t you!” Frank bit his lip once again, but this time it wasn’t because he had been staring at that piece of ass, but because he was feeling shy, embarrassed. Yes he liked Gerard, and no, he wasn’t going to tell the rest. Not yet anyway.

“No, I mean he‘s great at skating, that’s all. He taught me some things last week” Frank instantly regretted admitting he had learnt some skating skills from Gerard, as both of his friends whistled and teased him. With that, he eased himself onto the ice, going back to stare at Gerard.

As Frank skated around the arena, he wanted to let Gerard know he was here. He wanted to see the older mans reaction. As he slowed down, something the pro had also shown him how to do, he saw Gerard glance in his direction. He shot Frank a small, frustrated smile, to which Frank waved. It was obvious Gerard was busy, and Frank didn’t want to interrupt. So deciding he wasn’t going to speak to the man in the middle of the rink, skating like a swan he grumbled, pulling his ipod from his pocket, switching it on and continued skating.

After a while of skating around on his own, Franks friends came over to him, asking him their forgiveness. The small boy instantly smiled, shoved his mp3 away and started to have some fun with his real friends. When their legs grew solid and their fingers dark purple from the cold, the men eased from the ice, making their way to grab coffee.

Just as Frank was about to step off the ice, he felt somebody grab his arm. He turned himself around, only to see Gerard. He had an apologetic smile etched onto his face, his eyes gleaming in the light of the rink. Frank smiled back, he couldn’t deny that the man stood before him looked utterly amazing. His cheeks were flushed a dark pink, his eyes were glazed over from the cold. His lips were chapped and cracked and his hands were also purple. Breath taking.

“Hey, I‘m really sorry I ignored you earlier, especially after last week. I was just so busy, trying to nail this weird spinney thing” Gerard stated, motioning the ’spinney thing’ with his cold hand. They both blushed a little at the reminder of the previous activities they had embarked on.

“Its okay, I understand. I know you’re a busy man.”

“Damn straight! And this busy man is freezing. My feet hurt too” To which Gerard pulled an adorable face, pouting slightly. Frank took the opportunity in all its glory, he leant forward quickly to peck Gerard’s lips. They both flushed a dark shade of red, before giggling and hugging. It was amazing how close they had become in a matter of days. One thing was for sure, when things are meant to be, they will happen, and fast. Time would not wait for anybody.

“You want to grab a coffee? You look like you need a rest” Frank suggested. Gerard pondered for a minute, his tiring schedule lingering in the cold air. He pushed those thoughts to the side and grabbed Frank’s hand in his own. Frank smiled wide, as Gerard decided what he wanted to do.

“I‘d love to.”