Status: Hiatus

Dead On Land

A Quick Swim

Lightning struck the ship. It was burning aflame. I didn't know this myself because I had retired to my quarters early on our sail home from the neighbouring kingdom. Eric had not won the princess' heart over and my mood was foul. Not to mention I had the eerie suspicion that something dreadful was about to happen. I wasn't aware that any of this was going on until it was all entirely too late. The ship was sinking, and I was trapped.
I took off my shoes, loosened my corsette, and ripped my dress at the knees. I knew I could swim, but I couldn't swim well with fabric wurrounding my completely. And if it weren't for my pride, well I'd have taken off the whole damn dress. But, I didn't exactly want to be found on a shore stark naked. That would be rather embarassing.
The wood above me was breaking and the water was pooling around my feet. If I could just break through the wall of the ship I could get up and out of the trapped cell that I was stuck in now. I picked up the chair in front of my vanity in my room. With all my might and everything that I could muster up I slammed it against the wall several times, each time my rage and need to be free more prominent until finally the wall gave in and crumbled. I would have to wait it out until the water wasn't rushing to fill the air cavity, but in that time, I wold be able to get all the breath I would need.
After the quarters had filled with water and I had taken in all the air my lungs could hold, I pushed my way out the hole, and began swimming to the surface. I would most likely be able to swim back to the shore also.
I felt as though I was on a permanent high. The salt water swishing over my skin and through my hair felt absolutely marvelous. Once I reached the surface I let out the old air and took in more of the fresh air. Though, what puzzled me was that all of the preservation boats had vanished, and I could faintly see in the distance what looked like a mermaid dragging Eric along the top of the water.
In pure amasement I swam toward the figures in the distance, cautious not to get too close incase it would be a mermaid that might recognise me. However, it would probably be too young to do so, I mean, if they knew why that law was in place they would most deffinitely not come about the sea level... unless of course they were like me and simply longed for what they couldn't have. Then, they could very well do that. But, all the same I didn't want to chance it.
As I followed the two figures toward the shore that was now starting to come into sight after what felt like hours of swimming, I thought to myself gravely that there was no way Mother would ever let me on a boat or ship again. She wouldn't chance having any of them seeing me, not ever again.