Here, in Your Arms


This isn’t the way I thought my summer would start. I was supposed to having a really lay back summer with nothing to do. Just jay back in my chair and feel the sun in my face. I wouldn’t really be in the sun since I had really bad completions but still I wouldn’t lift a finger. That was what I had in my mind! But someone begged to different.

“So you’ll do it!” Said my boss on the other end of the line.

“I thought you said that I would have the summer off! I’ve worked my ass off for you in over two years!” I responded

“Yeah, I know darling! But you don’t these things don’t appear every day you know!”

“I know. So what exactly will I do?”

“You’ll daily reports for the channel and interject as many bands as possible!”

“Why didn’t you say so from the start!? I thought I’d be working from behind the cameras. As I do usually!”

“We’ll it was supposed to be like that until we all decided that this was just cut out for you!”


“Yeah, we’ve seen you’re progress during this spring and we think you are ready for the first steep!”

“That’s awesome!”

“So you’ll do it?”

“Yes, it will be an honour!”

“Great! Better pack your bags honey! You are going on warped tour tomorrow! The flight leaves tonight!”

“TONIGHT!!! What if I had said no?”

“Honey, I knew you would do it! You and music you have the same meaning in the dictionary!”

“We’ll got to run! Got a lot to pack!”

“Yeah, Good luck Ava! Don’t forget to bring you’re camera! You’ll have memories for life!” And with that I got off the phone and began to freak out for just moment. Sometimes I become such a girl! Well there the moments over! And I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and began packing down random clothing’s and other stuff like my laptop.

I was just about to leave my apartment for the Ottawa airport when I realised I had to call Jenna my best friend in the whole world and colleague. We were going to spend the summer doing nothing together. I pulled my side-kick up from my big hand bag and pressed 1 on speed dial.

“Heey, I was about to call you! I got big news!” She said happily in the other end.

“I got big news too! But you can go first!”

“Sure? Okay, well I’m not gonna be able to spend the summer with you! Cause I’m going on warped tour!!”

“OMG SO AM I!” I partially yelled back at her.



“SO AM I! We are working together! I should have seen this coming!”

“We both should have! This is so Sarah!” I said entering my elevator and pressing the green bottom floor button.

“Yeah, well anyway! I gotta run now! The cab is here!”

“I’ll see you soon then!” I closed the phone and dumped it in my bag before entering my cab.