Here, in Your Arms


The airport was packed with people. Some are coming home, some are travels all over the world and others are just passing by. I love airports, just because of the people. People are reuniting after a long trip throwing themselves into the arms of their love once. People are hugging goodbye to their loved one and promising a return. And yet again some people are just passing by the capital of the country. Anyway getting a little off track her. I found Jenna in the airport grocery store buying three five packs of Burn.

“You know they have those in USA too!” I said from behind her as she lifted the three packs from the cash register.

“Shut up! You know how mush I hate flying!” She answered and returned to her luggage.

“We’ll maybe you should considered buying sleeping pills and sleep through the journey inside of those things. They only make you nuttier than I am!”

“Who are you to talk, 3 pots of coffee a day!”

“I need my coffee to function!” I said and looking for the closet starbucks.

“Well let’s just leave the argument there and go to that starbucks your eyes are looking for! This is gonna be a long night!” She joked and we walked across the big hall.

“One triple espresso and one café au lait! Oh and two blueberry muffins please.” I ordered from the gum-smacking-teenager behind the counter. She fixed the coffee and paid for it and returned to the table where Jenna was sitting. “Here’s your coffee and muffin!”

“Thanks aren’t you a doll!” Jenna joked and I smiled sipping on my hot coffee cup.

“Anything for you sweetie!” I responded and seated myself in the chair next to her and we spent the next hour doing one of my favourite things. Looking at people and making up stories about them just by the way they look and act.

“So that dude over there. What you think about him?” Jenna said pointing to a guy across the hall with his nose in a thick book. Black hair covering his face and dressed in a black hood, grey tight jeans and a pair of misfits vans.

“Okay, well. Looks like he is about twenty-two. Probably playing in a un-famous-suburb-punk/rock-greenday-wanna-be-bands. Recently broken up with his girlfriend, a loner, wanting to travel the world. Leave this country behind to spread his wings.” I said just saying the things first coming to mind.

“Hm, maybe. Or he is just travelling home from some tour. Cause that is Frank Iero!” She said looking at my expression. I spilled out my coffee just by the sound of his name.

“It’s not!” I yelled and moved away from the hot coffee that had burned my fingers. Jenna was just laughing her ass off.

“I knew it! You still have a thing for him! You are such a teen!” She teased and gave me a napkin! “God you’re cute!”

“Shut up!” I said and looked back at the guy who had looked up by my yelling. He smiled but sadly no it wasn’t Frank Iero. “He is still pretty cute!” I said quietly to Jenna.

“Then say hello to him!” Jenna said with that sparkle in her eyes.

“Never, and I don’t wanna hear a word about this no more. We should go to the gate now anyway!” I said and grabbed my bags. “Let’s go!”

Yeah, its not happening that much in the first chap but i promise soon it will!