Here, in Your Arms


“Thank for dinner, Ava!” Gerard said smiling as he looked down on Frank who had passed out on the floor after drinking to many burns with Jenna. First they had been all over the plays acting like two three year old on McDonalds. Now they were both passed out on the floor. “Just gotta figure out a way to get him home!”

“Oh, I got an idea!” I said and smiled. “Be right back.” I ran off for a little while and came back with some sort of thing you use to drive up speakers and so on to the stage.

“Yeah, that will due!” Together we got Frank on to the thing easily. “I can take it from here. You don’t have to walk me back.”

“But I want to. I need some fresh air!” I said and walked next to Gerard as he pushed the thing in front of him.


“Yeah” awkward silence.



“Where did you learn how to kook?” Gerard said.

“ehm, well my grandmother taught me. When I was young my mother used to travel a lot so I was practically living at her house and she taught me a thing or two.” I answered.

“So you are pretty close to her?”

“I was. She passed away five years ago.” I looked at the ground not wanted to talk about it.

“Oh, I’m really sorry.”

“Thanks, she was such an amazing woman.” I said. “So ehm got any new songs for the festival?” I changed the subject quickly.

“Naaah, still going with what we’ve got!”

“Well, your music rocks!” Frank made a loud snoring noise as he was passed out. He mumbled something random turned.

“He is really a heavy sleeper!” Gerard said and stopped outside a big black bus with the black parade painted on it. “There we are here!”


“Yeah, goodnight then! I’m sure I’m gonna see you around a lot. Someone gotta feed us!” He smiled.

“Yeah, goodnight!” I laughed and walked away feeling happy. This summer was starting off like a dream. The bus camp was pretty loud music coming from everywhere and people celebrating the first night of the tour. The expectations for tomorrow was in the air and I felt it. As soon as I got Jenna to her bed and I slipped into my PJ I felt an ever greater joy then before. I felt like I could finally leave those crappie years behind. And I fell asleep as soon as my head struck the pillow.

“AVA ADORE!” Jenna screamed in my ear and I woke up hitting my forehead at the ceiling of the bunk. “Get up! You gotta make me some breakfast!”

“hey, gotta destroy my hearing before I had my first pot of coffee? That is just pure evil!”

“Well hun, haven’t you read the warning text on me?”

“No!” I said rubbing my head and being quite pissed.

“You should get up now anyway. We gotta start filming in an hour. Do something for the first episode!”

“Okay!” I said and got up. Making my way to the coffee maker!

“So what’s for breakfast?!”




“I don’t hear anything?!”

“Yeah, exactly! SHUT UP!”

“Hey! I get the picture you don’t like me anymore!”

“Well duuuh!”

“Yeah yeah, are you gonna make me breakfast or will I have to die first?”

“That would mean the last one!”

This one is dedicated to my good friend Beatrix who turned 15 a few days ago.
Congrats sweety! <3