Here, in Your Arms

45 minuets later

So I made the cookies because I can be nice sometimes. Yeah, I really can! Honestly! I can’t see why you can’t get that into your brain. Is it that hard to understand? Anyway lets move on I carried the cookies from the bus in what? I had no yar! And putting it on a plate is so incredibly boring. I looked around the buss trying to find something. I began going through Jenna’s bag. I had wanted to find an excuse to do that since I first saw it on the airport. I’m a nosy person so what? I’ll put it back when I’m done. I found nothing her diary was just to small to fit all my cookies so I took a plate anyway and headed back to the studio.

“HEY TIMES UP!” I yelled and they looked up.

“We are done anyway give us the cookies!” Pete called a back as Patrick quit touching the computer.

“Yeah, Ava now my blood sugar is low. I might fate or something! You would want that to happen right?”

“Hm, well I want to her the song before I’ll give you my best chocolate-chip cookies ever!” I said.

“Okay, Patrick you may press play!” Pete said.

“Here it goes!” He pressed and Pete’s screaming voice came out following with Patrick’s vocals singing the lyrics. The lyrics were kind of childish but still genius. The beat, guitar lines and the strong bass went straight to your head. Like one of those songs you can’t get out of your head. They stick and then you can’t help but to sing along.

“Guys!” I said happily!

“I guess she liked it!” Patrick said.

“Yeah, I thought she would. No put the cookies down right here on the table and slowly steep away with your hands high so we can see them!” Pete joked and I sat down on the sofa and they dug into the cookies.

“Shit, these are good!” Pete said and Patrick nodded and took another one.

“Yeah, I told you they were the best! Thanks guys for that amazing song you really do have a talent for making good songs!”

“These made it worth it!” Patrick said and hinted to the cookies.

“Well yeah, so that’s all the time we have for today. Hope you enjoyed today’s show. Tune in tomorrow and see what we are up too! I’m Ava and this is fall out boy saying bye!”

“BYE!” Pete and Patrick said and the light on the camera was turned off.

“Good show!” Sarah said and left us in the studio.

“So we got to go! Got a show to play!” Pete said and looked at his watch. “I’ll take these with me he said and putted them all into his bag.

“Yeah, I’ll come and watch it has been such a long time ago since I last saw you live!” I said.

“Yeah, do that! And bring Beat I haven’t met her in ages.” Patrick said and smile.

“I will!” I said and we said our goodbyes. Leaving the tent I saw him again, the guy from this morning. He was far away from me but I could still see him pretty good. It’s weird to have someone watch from a distant but I couldn’t help it. I found him so eye-catching, couldn’t help but to stare. I wondered who he was and why I couldn’t take my eyes away. It had never been that way before. I have never felt like this for another guy.

“Hey Adore!” I turned and saw Frank standing there. He was wearing a CLEAN white shirt and black pants.

“Frank, you cleaned up nice. I though all the craziness from yesterday would have strung you out for a few days.”

“Naaah, I do this for a living I’m used to it!” He said and scratched his head.

“Okay, but tell me what’s the reason to this wardrobe choice?” I said.

“Got a show in an hour. Gerard wanted me to come and get you so you could watch.” He said simply.

“Oh, and he couldn’t have picked up the phone?”

“Hey! What is that negative tone? I thought you like our music?” He said.

“Of course I do I just… nothing forget it!”

“Okay, and he forgot his phone too in your bus. So I’m here to get it. And besides I like to spend sometime with you. You are nice!”

“Nice, that’s my middle name!” I said under my breath.


“Nothing! Let’s go find it and I can get my camera and I’ll come with you!”

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Happy new year or something. I'll update sooner if you give me a comment! :P