Status: Finished

Accidentally in Love

Chapter 6

I watched from the side lines as Mike’s breathing became labored and Brooks’ legs began to move. I knew that I had to step into action before Mike hyperventilated and Brooks hauled the breathing tube out of his throat.
I rushed over to the other side of Brooks’ bed and grabbed onto his hand. “Brooks? Brooks, look at me please.”
He brought his eyes over to mine and lightly squeezed my hand. “Hi there. My name is Brooke and I’m a friend of Mike’s. Can you do me a favor? If the tube down your throat hurts, can you squeeze my hand?”
I felt a slight squeeze of my fingers as he tried to move his legs.
“Woah, there tiger! Not so fast. You were just unconscious for a week. I’ll go get the doctor and he’ll come in and check you out.” I smiled and squeezed his hand one last time before I went out into the hall to grab the doctor.
After about fifteen minutes, we were all allowed back into Brook’s room. He was sitting up in bed without the breathing tube and the color had slowly returned to his face.
“Hey, guys.” He rasped, a smile slowly appearing on his face.
“Hey yourself, how are you feeling?” Mike asked, sitting down on the stool he vacated moments before.
“Not too bad. My head hurts and my lungs feel like they’re going to explode, but other than that I’m good. What happened anyways?”
Both Mike and Megan’s faces fell. Did he truly not remember the accident?
“Baby, you don’t remember what happened?” Megan asked, gripping onto Brooks’ hand a little tighter.
He sighed and thought for a minute. “Well, I remember loosing the game and then getting in the truck with all of the guys. The next thing I know, glass is breaking and I blacked out shortly after that.”
“We were in the truck on the way to my place. We were going through an intersection and this drunk guy came out of nowhere and t-boned us. The truck flipped a few times and that was it.” Mike whispered. I knew how hard it was for him to talk about the accident – so hard that he never brought it up in conversation with me.
“But you guys are ok, right?”
Mike laughed. “Yeah, we’re all ok. I only got out of the hospital a few days ago, but the other guys are fine.”
“Dude, seriously? What was wrong with you?”
“Both of my lungs were collapsed and I have a nasty concussion.”
“But you’ll be ok, right?”
“Of course I’ll be ok. This is me we’re talking about.” Mike laughed.
“Aww, although I love the little bromance that you two share, you should really get some sleep,” Megan said, leaning over and kissing Brooks on the cheek.
“The same goes for you too. Are you tired at all?” I asked, stepping up behind Mike and resting my hand lightly on his shoulder.
“Now that you mention it, I am actually. Can we go home?” He asked, lightly leaning back to rest his head on my chest.
After we said our goodbyes, Mike and I got into the car and drove back to the loft. We got out of the car, into the elevator, and walked into the apartment to be greeted by a bouncing Jasper.
“Jazzy, calm down!” I laughed as Mike went into his room to get changed.
“Mike, are you alright?” I called after I had Jasper settled down and eating his dinner.
“Brooke, could you come here for a second?” He answered back.
I casually walked into the room to find Mike leaning back on the pillows on his bed while he watched a random show on his tv.
“What’s up?” I asked, sitting down on the bed next to him.
He sighed and looked me directly in the eyes. “Listen Brooke, I really need to tell you something, and I don’t know if you’re going to like it or not.”
“Ok, just tell me.”
“Well, I know that I’ve only known you for like a week, but I feel strongly about this and I don’t think words would be able to describe it, but then again I just don’t want to come out and catch you off guard…”
“Mike, you’re rambling. Just tell me.” I laughed.
He sighed, looked down at the blanket, and then leaned forward and captured my lips with his. I couldn’t believe it – Mike Green was actually kissing me. His lips were so soft and moist, just like I imagined them to be.
We pulled apart and I immediately began to blush, the pink furiously creeping up my cheeks.
“Oh my god, Brooke. I’m so sorry. See, that’s why I didn’t want to do that in the first place.”
“No, don’t worry about it! I’m only blushing because I’ve had this huge crush on you for a few years now, so I’m finding it a little hard to believe that we just kissed.” I smiled, looking back into his eyes.
“Seriously? Wow, well, I’ve had a crush on you for a week. And I know that it’s hardly long enough to be doing stuff like this, but do you think you’d like to go out with me?”
“Like dating, or in a relationship”
Now it was Mike’s turn to laugh. “Like in a relationship. Brooke Philips, would you be my girlfriend?”
I couldn’t help but smile. “Of course, Mike Green, I would love to be your girlfriend.”
“Ok, girlfriend – come here so we can watch tv and cuddle.”
I laughed as I laid down on the side next to Mike and gently placed my head on his chest. Was this really happening? But, I’ll tell you this; if this is a dream – please don’t wake me up!
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