Status: Active, but school is making it hard to update.


Chapter Five

The day following my second near death experience of the month was full of phone calls from my family, most of all, my mother. “Jane, dear, are you sure you’re okay? Do I need to come up there, Hun?” she asked for the millionth time.

“I’m fine mom, no need to come up here.” I answered. My mother is very over protective over anyone and everyone, that’s kind of why she became a professor. She teaches Social Studies at Remington collage in Huston, Texas, my hometown. She’s a kind small lady that enjoys teaching, all her students love her, and they should. When I was young, she always made learning fun for me.

I remember the time I told her I wasn’t going to collage right away, oh was she heartbroken. It took the woman a solid week before she could speak to me, but hey I was sick of being a student at the moment. I wanted to see things go places, meet people before I went back to school.

“Now dear, if you need anything, just call me.” My mother stated hugging me again, it was like the woman felt like I should stay at home forever.

“I know, I know. I have to go now, mom, or else I’ll miss my plane.” I cried tried to pull away from her with out causing her any pain.

“Okay, my love bug” my mother kissed my forehead, and hugged me one last time before letting me go. Smiling I held back tears that fought to escape, and picked up my luggage. Shrugging, I turned around and headed toward the check in counter. I dodged people, strollers, infants, and luggage as I made my way toward my goal. The noise was almost unbearable as people shouted at each other, with phones to their ears.

When I arrived in New York, I was amazed at the large buildings that touched the sky. They people on the streets rushed down them with phones glued to their ears, talking into them like lunatics. Walking down the street toward my home, I purchase and moved into earlier, I stumbled on the cracked payment.

Sighing I said my goodbyes to my mother as I walked toward my workplace. Slamming my phone shut, I walked up the steps to the large office building of my work. I sighed as the smell of coffee and freshly printed papers wafted up my nose, and took a seat at my cubical. Beginning work, my mind wounded back to the man for yesterday, Who was he? I asked looking at the papers on my desk.

Throughout the day, I thought about who my hero could be, and before I knew it was closing time. Walking out of the large building, I said goodbye to my co-workers and walked home. I looked around me, thinking, I might just see him. Coming up short I walked into my home and froze at a single light that had been turned on, in the living room. This was odd because I never left things on. Slowly I walked towards it to fined the stranger, my hero, sitting there waiting for me.
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© 2009 The Only Exception