The Life & Times of Lorraine Saint-Clair


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On the clear night of November the Fifth, as fireworks filled the skies, as celebrations raged in distant towns, in the sprawling and silent residence of the Saint-Clair's, a baby girl entered the world as the last child of the family.

Her elder sister watched with wide eyes as the baby slept and explored the new home from her cradle. She was immediately lavished upon with silk dresses and soft toys and a Dutch nurse who cooed over her and held her close to her heart. The baby was sung old songs from her native country and they kept her from wailing through the night.

The baby awoke as daylight crept through her window, through the creaks of her white lace curtains. Her father met her for the first time as dawn rose over the tall trees of the forest. He kissed her cheeks and named her after his countryside. He ordered the nurse to carry her sister, who slept in the shadow of the crib, to her bedroom as he held and imagined a future for his new darling daughter.

Lorraine Marianne Saint-Clair was always a very fortunate girl. And, somehow, he knew that she was going to be different.