Status: Updates very, very slowly, guys.

How to Conquer the World: and Other Such Endeavors

Kleio and her best friend Roque are your average teenagers just trying to get by with what they've got. They've got their problems, they've got their drama, just like other kids. Attending a strange and unexpected birthday party they were 'randomly selected' with an invitation from a clown named 'Q-Ball' would be the last thing on their list to do.

...The only problem is, it's an invitation to Kleio's birthday party...

When the two go to investigate, they end up on a path to the strange and bizarre world outside the city that they had been guarded from their entire lives. Surrounded by a world so looped-up and backwards, it's rather easy for a person to forget who they really are. The question is, will they be able to hold onto themselves to stop and evil tyrant that put them there in the first place from taking complete control? Only time can tell.