The Music or the Misery Business

And In The Night We'll Wish This Never Ends

*Hayley's POV*

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed, pressing the button to open the very Star Trek-y door. Josh was right behind me.

"This bus is insane!" He exclaimed.

Jeremy was next. "Damn right. '08's for the win baby!"

I had already ran over to the fridge and had my hands over my heart. "Bless you Pete." I said, smiling. He had appearantly had our fridge stocked with all of our favorite things. The guys had been around our house enough for him to know. The guys came over and were giving each other high fives.

"This reminds me how much I love your brother." Zac said, immediately grabbing a bag of chocolate covered pretzels. "I still don't see why you didn't let him sign us to his label." He said, pretzel chunks flying out of his mouth as he talked and landing on my face.

"Ew..." I said, flicking them off. "I told you, it wouldn't be nearly as gratifying as it is right now if I used the fact that he was my brother. And don't say it would've made things easier. You know that we didn't want it to be easy. We wanted it to be fun."

Zac laughed and shook his head, but he looked defeated. Yeah, he was great and all, but he wished the fame had come. He loved it, and he was afraid that if we did something wrong we'd be back to "paying our dues." I put my hand on his shoulder. "Fairy Zac, I promise we aren't going anywhere as far as the music industry goes.

Suddenly our bus started rocking. "Damnit. The fall out boys are here to welcome us." Jeremy muttered. We had had the pleasure of meeting the rest of my brother's band yesterday, and knew we were in for it.

"Please for the love of god to break the bus!" Josh muttered as the bus continued to rock back and forth.

Suddenly the door bust open and the star trek-y door opened as well. "HAYLEY!" Pete exclaimed, tackling me to the ground. I coughed slightly.

"Petey are you?" I asked with a laugh.

"Great. You guys are here. Good thing since Plain White T's canceled. So our secret performers are gonna be secret performers. But you won't be a secret after tonight."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Lay off the cupcakes Pete, you'll be fine. So what are you doing here?"

A devious smirk came onto his face. "Kidnapping you."