The Music or the Misery Business

Does Anybody Make Real Shit Anymore?

*Hayley's POV*

You look beautiful putting so much passion into your music. It makes you so much sexier.

I got that text while she was on stage. I turned a light shade of pink as we started to play our last song, Born For This. I walked off stage and jogged towards the bus, giggling a bit as I got there and plopped on the couch. The guys surrounding me.

"He's texting you again isn't he?" Hunter asked. I nodded and they grinned. "Well don't just sit there! Let us read them!" Zac said excitedly. I laughed and handed them my phone. They were all reading the texts.

You're so graceful babe.

Your voice is like an angel's.

Your hair's so cute when it's all messed up.

You know how I love it when you headbang.

"Ooh kinky." Josh said at the last one. I blushed and everyone, including me, laughed. But I also hit him when we were done.

"So have you told your brother about Shaant yet?" Zac asked. I shook my head. "Well you should soon. Especially if your knocked up.

-Pete's POV-

We were getting ready to go on stage when I saw Shaant leading two bimbos back to his bus. Groupies. I recogized them almost immediately. What a player. I'd have to be sure to keep Hayley away from him.