The Music or the Misery Business

Once A ***, You're Nothing More

-No One's POV-

Hayley had been sleeping all day. It always took her a few days to get used to the tour sleeping schedule. But she was a girl. The guys were all out in front. They had done sound check already with a very groggy Hayley before she fell back to sleep. Now it was two hours before their concert. Suddenly, Travis from Gym Class Heroes popped into their bus.

"Hey guys, we're gonna be a little late starting today." He said. This caused Josh and Zac to drop their guitar hero controllers to where they were only hanging by the straps. It also caused Jeremy to go silent while he was ordering Chinese food which caused the lady on the other end of the phone to get confused. He forced himself to continued the order. But this was so odd. Shows were canceled, sure. But never late.

"Why?" They all seemed to ask at the same time. Travie looked at them before starting to laugh and shake his head at the odd coincidence. Everyone rolled their eyes and waited for him to recover and answer the question.

"Well, I don't know if Pete told you this or not, but we have a no groupie rule on this tour. We're trying not to tempt Andy since he got a girlfriend and stopped taking groupies. But Shaant seems to have a problem with that rule. So he and Pete are fighting and Pete's trying to decide whether or not he should kick Cute Is What We Aim For off the tour."

It was almost as if someone had sucked all the oxygen out of the room. Shaant. Hayley's boyfriend of two years. The father of the child she was pregnant with [unbeknownst to anyone outside of the band]. Was cheating on her with groupies. "We need to talk to Pete. Like now. Don't ask why, we just do." Travis looked confused but nodded and exited the bus.

What were they going to do. Zac got up and shut the door to the bunks so she hopefully wouldn't hear what was about to happen. Pete soon entered the bus. "I heard you wanted to talk to me?"

They looked at each other, trying to prompt the other to start the conversation. "Yeah..." Jeremy said. "It's about the Shaant situation."

Pete sat down. "What about it? Don't think begging for him to stay on tour. I still haven't decided about that yet." Josh shook his head.

"No. Look Pete, please don't tell Hayley that we told you. Shaant's been her boyfriend for two years. She just didn't want you to bug him and be over protective. And she's...pregnant. With his kid." Josh said, getting quieter.

Pete was silent, but you could see the rage building. "So please, for Hayley's sake, don't kick him off the tour. And don't tell her or let her know you know. Let her find out on her own." Zac said. Pete nodded.

"I'll keep quiet for now. But when the tour ends I'm kicking his sorry ass."