Status: One shot.

Secret Valentine


Lisa sighed as she opened the door to her house, stepping in from the cold air, a flutter of snow having started on her walk home, making her bare hands and face cold and stinging. She shut the door quickly after her, welcoming the heat that her house held. She really couldn’t be more thankful to her mom who had clearly left the heating on before she left for her business trip only a few hours ago.

She slowly climbed the stairs, feeling sluggish from the horrible weather outside and hoping to get into her bed and snuggle up and keep warm. All she wanted to get away from was everyone going on about how it was Valentines Day and how their boyfriends were treating them. And they all thought she didn’t have anyone official to share this day with. She wasn’t even sure if she did have anyone to share it with and to be honest, as cliché as it sounded; she just wanted it to be over so she could start forgetting about it.

She pushed her bedroom door open with her back, as she raked in her bag for her cell phone, wondering if anyone would have text her in between the time that she left school and got home, which was only a matter of minutes. She gasped when she looked up, seeing an extremely familiar person sitting on her bed.

It took a moment for it to register just who it was and what they were holding; a single white rose, between his fingertips, careful not to prick himself with a thorn. Lisa gaped at him wondering what the older man could possibly be doing there and more importantly how he got in, in the first place.

“David? What are you doing here?” she asked, dropping her bag at her feet, completely forgetting about what she had been looking for earlier, finding it hard to think of what it actually was. He always tended to have that effect on her.

The guy that had sat in front of her smiled, rolling his eyes slightly but standing and holding out the rose for her to take. She took it, still frowning at the situation, wondering what exactly her next door neighbour was doing in her house.

“You know what day it is today?” he asked, slipping his much bigger hand into Lisa’s free one and lacing their fingers together. Her hand tingled as she looked up into his eyes, scanning them for a clue of what was going on.

“Of course I do.” She said softly. David urged her to say what day it was by widening his eyes at her. “Valentines day,” she said even quieter and looking down at her feet instead, finding it hard to keep her attention on his face any longer without doing something inappropriate or stupid.

“And did you really think I wouldn’t be around to celebrate it with you?” he asked, leaning down close to her ear to whisper the question. His breath was hot against her cold skin and she had no other choice but to close her eyes and take in a deep breath of the scent of his aftershave that encircled them. Her hand gripped his back and her other hand dropped the rose gently onto her computer chair as it reached up and rested against his long neck.

His hands found her hips and pulled her closer to him making her wrap her arms around his neck in a hug, briefly wondering why she was so surprised that he was there, of course he was going to be there, especially since her mom was away for five days straight, on business. Her fingers found the ends of his thick brown hair wrapping it around them and tugging softly.

“I didn’t- I thought...” she mumbled, trying to comprehend what she wanted to say while he breathed softly against her ear, unable to reach her neck thanks to the scarf wrapped around it.

“You thought I would forget?” he asked with a breathy laugh. When she didn’t answer he laughed again. “I know I’m old, but my memory is still intact,” he said.

She sighed, leaning back, away from him and looking right at him. He had a cheeky smile lingering on his lips, to which she quickly placed her own upon. “You’re not old to me,” she said.

His smile changed and his hands travelled up to her neck to gently unwrap the pink fluffy scarf, giving her skin some breathing room. He then travelled down to the buttons on her black coat slipping it off of her shoulders. He draped it and the scarf over the back of the computer chair to join the rose.

“that’s better,” he said reattaching his hands to her hips and dipping his head down so that his lips met the skin of her neck, feeling cold against the hot skin where he scarf had been.

“I wish I could have shared the fact that I’d have you here with everyone at school. They all think I’m going to be home alone and wallowing in self pity,” Lisa said as he stepped backwards towards the bed, sitting down and pulling her towards him, so she was standing between his legs.

He sighed as his hands slipped under her t-shirt, feeling the soft skin there with the tips of his fingers “At least we know that you’re not though. You’ll probably be having more fun then any of them are,” he said kissing her lips softly as if to seal the deal.

She raised her arms and let him slip her t-shirt up and off of her making his eyes level with her chest. “I still wish you weren’t my secret, that I could at least tell someone that I did in fact have a valentine.” Lisa said, climbing onto his legs and running her hands through his hair, bringing his face up to meet hers.

“I love that you’re my little secret,” he said, now slipping his hands into the back of her jeans. She smirked unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his shirt so that she could slip it off of him.

“It would have been better if they knew I wasn’t some boyfriend-less sap and didn’t take pity on me,” she said, pushing him down so that he was lying on the bed and she was sitting on his hips, spreading her hands over his skinny pale skinned chest, grazing over the individual bones.

“Soon baby, soon,” he said, reaching behind her and unclasping her bra. She threw it behind her and leaned down kissing him passionately for the first time that day. No more words were to be said as their tongues merged and hands roamed over the others body.

Lisa unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans, rubbing him through the material of his underwear, feeling him harden under her touch. His breathing was already heavier than only seconds ago when they were talking and his hands caressed her thighs through the denim of her jeans. She reattached their lips and ground their hips together, removing her hand and letting her hips take care of it.

She unbuttoned her own jeans and lifted her hips up to try and shimmy them down and off, without breaking the kiss. David broke it anyway to shimmy his own jeans off also, leaving them both only in their underwear.

“why would you ever doubt that I wouldn’t want to be here with you right now?” he whispered, running his hands through her hair and bringing her face towards him.

“I have no idea,” she breathed over his face. They smiled at each other and brought their lips together once again.

“I love you, my secret valentine,” he murmured against her lips, not giving her a chance to respond as his hands travelled down her body. And at that point it didn’t matter that their relationship was a secret, as long as they knew it didn’t matter.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit late.
Sorry 'bout that, I have no excuse apart from being lazy.