Status: Hiatus for Editing

My Clandestine Romance

Chapter Two

" Damn Them Old Bags, Damn This Town, Damn you Pete, Damn you best friend! Why are you making things so hard for me?" Anastasia quietly cursed under her breath. You see, she just got done with a rather unpleasant conversation with her parents and it didn't exactly make her jump for joy.

Anastasia layed on her bed and grabbed her diary. Hoping that venting will calm her down. Writing often has that affect on her.

Dear Diary,

Today my life changed for the worse. Why you might ask? Because my freaking dad had to decide to get some stupid job in New Jersey. Why the hell would he do that when he had a great job in Chicago? Beats me... some stupid shit about a better pay. Who cares about that when your leaving EVERYBODY you know!

Diary... I'm afraid I wont make friends there in Jersey like it did here. That I will be "different". See at my soon to be old school I could be different and be popular. I can have loads of friends and be different. It probably won't be the same.

Not only am I doomed to be a loner for the rest of my life, I have to leave my boyfriend Pete.
My true love. Sure sure some people would say its puppy love being that were only sixteen but I have been dating him over 5 years. That sounds like a little more than puppy love to me. On top of that, I have to leave my best friend since diapers Alexis. That's not going to be easy either.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so short but because of that I'll probably post another update tonight. I'm just going to be safe and do my homework instead of staying up to do it.

And thanks to my subscribers...
lol well anyways thanks for reading and please drop some comments and subscribe!