Status: Hiatus for Editing

My Clandestine Romance

Chapter Three

The next morning Anastasia woke up from the sound of her alarm clock. And the first thought that crossed her mind was how much the day was going to suck. Today was her last day in Chicago. She pressed the snooze button and headed down stairs.

"Good morning sweet heart." Her dad said from the dining room table. Anastasia just glared at him still mad that he was the reason she had to move. She grabbed a piece of bread and shoved it in the toaster. She stood there tapping her nails on the counter impatiently waiting for the toast.

" Anna hunny. I know it is hard to leave your friends and all but can't you at least fake a smile. For me?" The 46 year old man pleaded.

" No Dad. I'm not one to fake things. And I'm not just leaving my friends but Pete to. It's allot harder than you think." She said just as the toast popped out of the toaster. She grabbed it and hurried upstairs not waiting for a reply from her father leaving him to drink his coffee and to finish the paper. Once upstairs and in her room Anastasia turned on her hair iron so it could heat up by the time she was done eating her toast. Then the color changed on the iron singling that it was heated up to the full 365 degrees needed to straighten her long, thick, wavy hair. She began the 30 minute process thinking about how the day was going to go and weather or not she would want to bother with a long distance relationship with Pete. While finishing up her bangs Anastasia burned her finger.

" MOTHER FUUU..." she screamed but stopped remembering that her mother was still sleeping in the next room over. She unplugged the flat iron and changed into an invader zim t shirt and a lime green pair of skinny jeans to match. She then slid into a pair of gray American eagle flip flops and graped her phone and zebra tote bag and walked out her room, down the stairs, than out front door ignoring her father. She headed down the street towards Alexis' house. The walk took longer than usual because she couldn't help but thinking about Pete and her friends. Her thoughts were than interrupted by a aggravated Alexis.

" There you are! I was just about to come and get you. What took you so long? Alexis yelled trying to get the door to her car open.

" I was thinking." Anastasia sighed.

" About what?" Alexis asked finally getting her door open and sitting in the driver's seat.

"Your not going to like it" she answered sitting beside Alexis in the passenger's seat.

" Like it or not Anna, you can tell me anything. You know that right?" Alexis said shutting her door and starting the engine to the car and headed down the street curious about what Anastasia said she apparently wouldn't like.

" Yeah I know."

" So?"

" I'm moving"

" Your kidding me right?'

" I wish I was."

" You'll still be in Chicago though right? Alexis asked hopeful, tears welling up in her eyes.

" No. Someplace called Bell view in New Jersey." She hated that she had to do this. She didn't want to hurt her best friend.

"Oh..." Alexis barley whispered pulling into a teacher's parking lot near the front of the school which she often did. Alexis got out of the car and waited for Anastasia and they walked to the school taking about other little things to try and lighten the mood but things only got worse when Anastasia saw Pete waiting for her near their first class like he did every day. The friends said goodbye to each other than that's when Pete noticed her, recognizing her voice.

" Hey babe." he said walking up to her and hugging her. " What's wrong?" he asked seeing her icy blue eyes filled to the brim with tears. She just shaked her head not wanting to answer her boyfriend." Babe..." He begged.

" I'm moving." Anastasia finally chocked out letting the tears cascade down her Ivory face.

" What? Were? Why?" Pete yelled only making Anastasia cry more.

" Babe, I'm sorry I just don't want you to leave." Pete apologized hugging his girlfriend.

" I know." she whispered into the crook of his neck wishing they could stay like that forever. Only disappointing herself knowing they can't.
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I made sure this one is longer but i don't know if i like it so let me know what you think because i might rewrite it. Thank you to my readers. Please comment and subscribe!