Status: Hiatus for Editing

My Clandestine Romance

Chapter Four

*Sunday(2 days later)*

Anastasia collapsed on her bed in her new room. She hated this, she hated New Jersey, she hated it all. She couldn't help but thinking it was only going to get worse tomorrow. She wasn't looking forward to her first day at her new school. Not at all. Deep in thought, she drifted off to sleep.

* The next day*

Anastasia got ready for school, like she did every day. She straightened her hair, did her makeup, and got dressed. She looked in the mirror one last time to make sure she would make a good impression. After all that is what matters most.

It was weird for her not getting a ride from Alexis like she use to every day. The school was just a couple streets away, so it didn't bother her to much. Walking up to the big brick high school, Anastasia sighed. Today is the day, She thought. She took a deep breath and walked through the double doors to the main office where a fat woman directed her to a door that had 'student affairs' written on the glass panel.

" Hello, How may I help you?" a brunette, middle aged woman asked her.

" I am new here and -"

" Right, you need your schedule. Correct?" The woman cut her off.

" Yeah." Anastasia sighed kind of pissed that the staff were all so rude. The lady handed her a schedule and sent her on her way. Her schedule was Spanish, English,Lunch, Gym, and Than Geometry.

Anastasia walked out the office and into the main hallway, that was packed with people. She struggled to find her first class, she finally succeeded and walked into the class room, she looked around noticing that there weren't a lot of people in there which was good, she thought, and sat down in a seat next to a nice looking girl.

"Hello my name is Katsumi, but you can call me Kat." The girl smiled at Anastasia.

" My name is Anastasia." She laughed happy that people are making an effort to get to know her.

" So where did you come from?"

" Chicago, I just moved out here a little while ago."

" I always wanted to go there, it seems cool."

" Eh.. It's alright."

The teacher walked in and the class instantly got quiet.

" Will you eat lunch with me and some friends?" Kat whispered.

" Yeah sure. That would be nice."

* Lunch time*

Anastasia and Kat met up outside the cafeteria and got there food together and talked about random things. Throughout the day they have become pretty close friends to Anastasia's surprise. So far they had every class together. She was glad that she would at least have one friend this year.

After they were through the line, Kat brought her to a table of 5 guys. She sat down next to one with long shaggy black hair and kissed him on the cheek. Anastasia saw the 6 pair of eyes on her and sat down next to Kat nervously. "Guys this Anastasia, she is new from Chicago." Kat said as Anastasia waved " You guys can call me Anna, if you want." Anastasia smiled getting comfortable.

" Anna this is Gerard, my boyfriend." Kat pointed to the boy with the long dark hair.
" And this is his brother Mikey." She moved her finger to a scrawny boy with medium brown hair sticking up in all directions. " Ray." A boy with a reddish brown afro. " Bob." To a muscular blond haired boy. " And the shortest of us all Frank." She said as she moved her finger to a short boy with piercing hazel eyes and dark hair. Anastasia smiled at him and got nervous when he returned the favor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her first day of high school and she meets Frankie! Yay! lol.
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