Status: Hiatus for Editing

My Clandestine Romance

Chapter Six

" Bye mom! I'm going to Frank's house!" I yelled walking out the front door and heading down the street. Me and Frank have been spending a lot of time together recently. It's only been a week since I've started at my new school and i already have been to Frank's house to many times to count. I also have been to Kat's and the Way's house. It seemed as if I was officially apart of the "gang".

When I was walking down Frank's street i found myself smiling when i saw all five feet and four inches of the lovely Frank Iero sitting on his porch smoking a cigarette, smirking as i climbed the steep brick path that leaded to his house.

"Hey" i said sitting down next to him, on the cold dusty concrete.

" Whats Up? Anna Banana?" he laughed throwing his cigg down near my feet as i stepped on it, like always." Your still afraid it might catch my house on fire?" he mused pulling me on to his lap.

" Well i don't want my Frankie to get hurt"

" So I'm your Frankie now?"

" Yup! All mine!"

" So the guys are coming over tonight, is that cool?" he asked playing with my hair. I sighed wishing me sitting on his lap and him playing with my hair meant more than just being friendly. Yes, i guess i just admitted i liked him. A lot i might add.

" Yeah that's fine."

" Alright well we'll go inside and wait, that aight' ?" he asked, his thick jersey accent altering his words.

" Sure, whatever you want to." i said as he pulled me up and took my hand and dragged me into his house to play guitar hero in till the guys arrived.

The guys arrived and we sat and watched movies, talked, and the usual. Kat asked me to o to her house for a sleepover.

-----later that night-----

" Hey lovely. What's up?"

" Eh.. nothing much" i sighed as i plopped down on her bed with my bag of clothes.

" So how was your day with Frankie boy?"

" Good, the usual."

" What's the usual? Making out?"

"What? Why would you say that?"

" Because we all know you like each other!" Kat said as she finished brushing her hair and putting it up in a bum and plopping on her bed next to me.

" Who is we all? And I do not like Frank!"

" Everybody! The guys and me." She smiled matter o' factly. " and the first step is always denial." She went on.

" Denial my ass..."

" You like him and you know it, you just won't admit it"

" Okay whatever"

" You know I just met you and all, but your my best friend. You can tell me anything and you can trust me."

" So your playing the best friend card now?" I laughed. Kat tried to muster up her best puppy dog look. " Fine you caught me, i like him."

" i knew it!" Kat jumped up and squealed." So when are you going to tell him?"

" When? Never! He doesn't like me."

" He doesn't like you? Of course he likes you! Are you blind?"

" I must be, because I'm sure he doesn't."

" He does, trust me. I knew him my whole life."

" I do trust you. I just don't trust my self I guess."

" Well you need to."

" I just.. i don't know."

" What? Anastasia you can tell me anything! remember?"

" Yeah, I know. I just left my boyfriend in Chicago, and I feel guilty that I'm liking somebody else."

" Well, that's good! It's not worth it to keep a long distance relationship, just forget and let go. Frank is an amazing guy."

" I know, I just miss Pete."

" Pete? I don't know why but that's a funny name"

"Whatever..." I mumbled remembering Pete and all our good times, all our kisses, all our hugs...

" Sorry, i didn't mean to."

I looked up at Kat " What are you sorry about?"

" For making you think about him."

" Oh, don't worry about it"

" Let's go do something stupid!"

" Like what?" i asked.

" Let's play Ding Dong Ditch!"

" Let's do it!" I agreed as me and Kat got ready and dressed all in black. Using her black lipstick to make black smudges on our cheeks, we finished and walked out the door.

" So where do you want to go?"

" How about the boys' houses?"

" Your a genius Anna." Kat said as she ran down the street as i followed heading to Frank's house first, that's when i started regretting my decision
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Sorry that was such a long conversation lol, hope you guys liked it! Please comment and subscribe! ( the more detailed the comment the happier you make me =])