Status: Hiatus for Editing

My Clandestine Romance

Chapter 7

Me and Kat had a great time with ding dong ditch the other night. Everything was fun except when Mikey got pissed at us for scaring him when we jumped out of the bushes. He didn't appreciate that much. 

Today Frank is taking me out to get ice cream with him which I'm excited about. Kat thinks it's a date. I wish I never admitted liking Frank to her, that was a mistake and know she's trying to play hook up. I rather do it on my own. 

" Hey" I smiled sitting down across from him in the booth.

Frank seemed nervous but it made me uncomfortable. Before I could even ask him what was wrong some slutty looking waitress came to take our orders. I couldn't help but notice the looks she was giving Frank.

" Would that be all?"

"Yeah, that would be all." I said as I gave her a smirk. You know the one when you know inside the person is picturing punching you in the face in their mind. That's when I knew I really liked Frank, a girl couldn't glance at him without making me jealous.

The waitress later came with our sundaes, and me and Frank talked aimlessly as we enjoyed their chocetly goodness. When we were finished Frank walked me out to the car and surprised me by getting in the passenger seat.

"What are you doing?"

"This." He said as he kissed me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay, there finally together!
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