Status: Hiatus for Editing

My Clandestine Romance

Chapter Eight

"Tonight was um fun." he stuttered as he backed out of the car.  

"Yeah, it was. Thank you. " I said kissing him on the cheek. He smiled and I felt a burning sensation cover my cheeks. 

"Bye. " he said still smiling, walking backwards toward his car.

"Bye." I replied. The shade of crimson pink slowly fading from my cheeks.  He got into his car and drove away slowly.

I sighed and started driving towards home. How am I going to explian this to Kat?
I picked up the phone and dialed the familer number. 


"Hey. It's Annastasia."

"Howd ice cream go with Mr. Iero, Anna Baby?"

"Good. He kissed me."

"He kissed you???"

"Yup." I said feeling the heat return to my cheeks. 


" I know. I'm still shocked. "

"You know you have to tell me everything right??" 

"Well we were eating ice cream and the waitress was giving him like this look and being all flirty and shit and when she took my order she gave me this glare and I just went off on her. I'm guessing frank noticed." I paused and waited for a response. I didn't hear anything so I assume she wanted me to continue."We got our ice cream and ate it. He walked me out to the car and hugged me goodbye. I got in my car and when I started it he got into the passenger seat and I asked him what he was doing. He kissed me than said this. " I finished in one quick breath. 

"Wow." I heard Kat say through the phone. "So does this mean your dating?"

"Well I hope so. " I sighed, thinking about what it would be like to be his girlfriend. Pretty damn good I thought. " I'll have to ask him later. "

" I'm sure he'll do it if you don't. I mean he did kiss you after all. " she reasened  

"Yeah. Well I'm going to go. Bye KittyKat. Love you." 

"Not as much as you love Frankie!" she chuckled." Bye and love you to Annastasia. "
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I know this was short and all but I have some good reasons for it lol.

1. I have exams this week :(
2. I wrote this on my iPod during class.
3. It's been a while since an update b

But because of that you will get faster but shorter updates intill everything calms down some.

Well I hoped you all enjoyed and please comment telling me what you think! I love hearing what you guys have to say and it helps keep me motivated.

One last thing is that I will be updating The Morpher's Plague and Life After the Diary very soon.
If you haven't read those please go and check them out. Also I am about to post a new story; so keep an eye out!

Love y'all,