The Life of the Rich & the Miserable


People think that being a rich teenager is a dream come true. They think that fame and fortune is everything, which it’s not. See, most people think because your rich, you’re automatically happy, but that’s another lie. Most rich people have miserable lives behind closed doors. How would I know, you may ask. Well here’s how I know, I’m living that life.

My name is Audrina Jade. I don’t usually share my last name with the people I meet, because then I would be associated with my dysfunctional, always on page 6 of the New York Post family. My father’s name is Henry Astor. He’s a billion-dollar business man, and the grandson of Brooke Astor. My father isn’t only famous for that, he’s famous for sleeping with almost all of his college interns. My mother is Charlotte Vanderbilt-Astor, who’s currently in Paris. I have one sister, Holly, who goes to NYU. Holly is my best friend. We are both very down to earth people. Then, we have the woman who raised me, my nanny. Her name is Ruby, and she’s been my nanny since the day my mother had me. Ruby was always there for me, taking me to birthday parties in Central Park, picking me up from school, altering my Halloween costumes, taking me to see the Rockefeller Christmas tree, buying me ice cream, and just being there for me whenever I needed her. She was my mother, as far as I was concerned. Then, we have Kingston Joseph Fitzpatrick. He was my best friend since kindergarten, and I considered him my brother. He hated his super-long name so I called him Joey. We have been running around our playground, New York City, together for as long as I can remember. He always came with me to those events that our fathers dragged us to. His father was Chuck Fitzpatrick, my dad’s business partner. Joey's mom Blair was my mothers best friend who globe-trotted with her.

Holly is bringing her boyfriend home over the holidays to "meet the family". This dude is also bringing his family. Holly gave nothing away except the fact that this guy had a cute younger brother. He could be anyone, from Nick Carter to Zac Efron to that cute guy that is always working in Urban Oufitters when I'm there. I can't even begin to guess who it is but I'm excited and my thoughts are high in the sky, thinking of every single possibility. Guess we'll have to wait and find out.

All I'm saying is my life is about to get more miserable, just you wait and see.






Kingston "Joey"

Apartment Building

Living room
