Belle's Memory

Little Boy

I woke up to the sun streaming rays of light on my face, instead of my alarm clock. It felt warm, and I felt comfortable with my surroundings, heat from the sun and soft blankets around me, with the added comfort of the pillow beneath my head. I stretched, and felt a tension and soreness in the wrist.
I remembered, remembered only a little though, it seemed so blurry. But the thing I do remember is how I got the mark on my arm. I remember the relief and satisfaction that went along with it.
I got up out of bed and undressed out of pajamas. I went straight to my closet and pulled out o a pair of tight legged jeans with a white tee, with a light jacket on top since it is July. I pulled on my converse and walked down to greet the family that forgot my existence the night before.
“Hello, all.” I greeted waving the body’s of my brother and parents. My mom and dad looked up and smiled, my brother kept his back turned towards me. It made me mad so I walked over and flicked the back of his head.
“Ow!” He cried, and rubbed the spot where my finger came in contact.
“Now that wasn’t nice Belle, say you’re sorry,” Commanded my father. He was taking to me like I wasn’t a teenager, but a little kid, like I didn’t own the body I had, and that he could control my every move.
“Sorry.” I said while looking into my father’s eyes.
“Thank you.” He replied. His voice was different from the last time I heard him talk to me. He sounded bitter and rough. Like he swallowed hot coffee and his throat was recovering from the burn.
A smell filled the room, as my mom was cooking.
“What are we having for breakfast?” I asked while twirling a strand of hair in my fingers.
“Eggs, bacon, toast and home fries.” She replied smiling up at me.
I could definitely smell the bacon on the stove cooking. I breathed in, and the smell invaded my nostrils. It was a smell I missed in the hospital, not necessarily the smell of cooking meat, but the smell of a home cooked meal. I walked into the living room, and for the first time since I’ve been home it was empty. I turned on the TV and flipped through a couple of channels before I stopped at a reality show. I sat watching girls competing to be the girlfriend of some famous celebrity for about ten minutes. I had to laugh, because I’m sure it’s just a scam to get money, some girls are desperate, they’d marry someone they hated for the fortune.
“Hun, Breakfast is ready!” My mother yelled from the kitchen. I got up and switched of the television, and walked into the kitchen.
“Mmm, smells great mom.” I complemented, while taking a seat next to my brother.
We started passing the many dishes my mom prepared for this breakfast. They consisted of eggs fired and scrambled, buttered toast, a big pile of bacon that most of it disappeared onto my brother plate, sausage, and home fries. She also had a pitcher of orange juice and milk. I grabbed a few of each thing, and basically covered most of my plate. I started eating, and listened to my brother speaking about how good he is on the swim team. My father butted in asking when his next meet was, and my brother answered. I just sat listening, while nibbling on a piece of bacon.
“Hey dad, I was wondering of you built that boat while I was gone?” I asked. My father was building a boat, so he and Thomas could go and fish on the lake down the hill..
“As a matter of fact I did, it’s on our dock if you want to see it.” He replied. I got up and excused myself from the table, and as I headed out the door I grabbed my notebook and a pencil.
Walking down the hill wasn’t easy with all the obstacles of clumped dirt, branches and weeds trying to trip you and tugging at your feet.
I could see the boast appear as I got closer. It’s big round hull and how beautifully shaped it was. I walked to it and touched the starboard side of the boat, it was smooth and warm from the wood taking in the heat of the sun.
I climbed in and rowed my way out until I could feel some waves rocking the boat. I laid down inside the boat and let the boat rock back and forth while the sun was sending beams of light to cover my face. I closed my eyes and bits and pieces of my life flashed in my head. I felt comfortable while lying on the wooden floor of the boat. I liked the feeling of being rocked back and forth, like when you’re and upset baby and your mother was trying to comfort you. Mother Nature was trying to comfort me while this world crumbled around me, helping me to be calm down and stop being upset.
I took out my notebook and the pencil I brought from the house and started writing; I wanted to write a song but realized I’m pretty terrible at putting words together to form a musical masterpiece. I tore out the page I was writing on, and started drawing instead.
I began drawing the outline of a little boy, fishing. It took me a couple of minutes to get it right, since I haven’t drawn since I was in art class in high school. Then I drew the outline of the lake he was fishing in. I soon drew the background of trees, with flowers and grass. I could hear the trees surrounding the lake move to the beat of the wind. It sounds serene and beautiful, in perfect motion.
I breathed in and out and began drawing again. I decided he’d wear a hat, and he wore shoes with a small red train riding along the fabric. He was going to sit on a rock, while wearing old blue jeans that seemed a little small on him. This took me a couple of minutes to draw, and then I drew the blue and red button up shirt he was going to wear. I added detail to the face of the little boy. He had a small face with innocent looking eyes that would make you adopt him if you had the chance. I drew a small nose resting in the middle of his face, and lips that curled into a smile.
I took the finished piece and held it up in the air. The sun came down on the drawing and made it look realistic, something you’d see in a black and white film, because the drawing contained no color. I looked into the boys drawn eyes, and the way I drew them seemed to me he was holding a secret. Behind his smile, this boy the person I created was holding a secret from me.
I slammed the book down next to me on the wooden floor of the boat, which caused the boat to rock back and forth violently. I tensed up, staying still so the boat wouldn’t tip over and send me into the waters underneath. I heard the trees again, and the wind slowed down, like it didn’t want to help tip the boat.
Relaxing the boast eased up on the rocking, and the waves pushed slowly against the side. I hear the water flowing beneath the boat as I put my ear to the wood. It was calming and nice. With the sun warming my body and the calming waters helping me relax, I began to fall asleep. My eyes felt heavy and tired and my ears became quiet, then everything went black.
I was walking on a pier, with the wooden board’s containg water underneath. There were two other girls in front of me, but with the setting sun, I could only see the outline of their silhouettes. One raised their hand for me to come closer.
I steeped closer and took the hand that reached itself out to me. It pulled me closer, and when I got closer I saw one girl she was beautiful, and had green eyes with blonde hair outlining her face. I turned over and looked at the other girl who looked towards me at the same time.
I jumped back in horror from the person in front of me, almost taking the girl holding my hand down. We caught our balance, and stumbled backwards. I looked back at the horrific face.
Her eyes were gone, except one hanging out of her eye socket. The skin on her face detached itself from and was hanging and sagging down, reviling bone and decaying flesh. Her hair was matted to her bone and hanging skin. She was covered in dirt and maggots as well. She grabbed my hand, and her boney fingers pressed against my skin and it hurt. I cried out in terror and in pain when she pulled me closer. She had a pleading look in her decaying and broken face, and it made me want to cry. The other girl held on tight though and won the battle. She pulled me close to her and I saw who she was, I gasped and she threw me into the water below.
I woke up started to the sound of another boat’s waves hitting the side of my boat. It was rocking more violently then before sending the pencil into the air and out of the boat and into the water. I held onto the notebook not wanting my drawing to be next. It seemed the waves wouldn’t stop and decided to continue with its scaring.
I closed my eyes and held tightly to the notebook, but it wasn’t good enough and the boat tipped over. The waves covered my body and pushed me downward. I opened my eyes and saw my little boy float down into the depths of the lake. Waves kept coming and sent water into my mouth and I started choking. I was flapping my arms trying to find something to hold onto and escape to the surface. I felt the seat inside the boat and wrapped my hand around it and pulled myself up. I was inside the tipped over boat, and started coughing and breathed in some air.
I looked around, and the waves ceased. I saw the pencil floating next to me, but not the little boy I took so much time to draw, and create.
I resurfaced the boat and took the floating oars and started paddling back towards my home. It was a challenge but I finally made it and tied the boat up to the dock. I got out and headed back up towards the house, still tripping and falling over weeds and branches. It was even harder with water logged clothing on your back. I reached the house and saw my mother watering flowers in her garden. I walked over and she looked up and started laughing.
“Oh my goodness dear! What on Earth happened?” She snickered, rolling her eyes up and down taking in my appearance.
“Boat tipped, enough said.” I laughed with her. It finally felt we were a family again, laughing together.
I looked down and smiled, and she took my hands just like the girl in the dream, or nightmare.
“Hunny you should go inside and change clothes.” She said as she pushed me towards the door inside.
“Okay mom, I love you.” I said behind me and walked into the house.
Luckily no one else saw me so I didn’t have to explain myself and my appearance. I ran up stairs and quickly undressed and put on some pink and grey Nike shorts with a white t-shirt. I stepped out of my wet shoes and brought them down stairs and placed them into the sun to dry.
I stood watching my mother gardening and planting. I smiled, and placed my hand upon the glass. I breathed and it made the glass fog up, and I drew a heart around my mother.
I walked away undecided what I’ll do next.
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Sorry I'm so late in posting this, I've been busy writing for the 50,000 words byu the end of the month contest thingy, but I won't make it. :[ I'm only at 7,000+ words. Lol
I reposted all of my chapters becuase I edited them so make sure you read them again so you don't miss something.
Love you,