Sequel: King With No Crown

Did Someone Say Draco Malfoy?

This is not child's play.

"Time's up!" Snape shouted as he looked around the dark class room. Everyone looked around the room that was filled with books and ingredients throughout the walls. No one had liked the room except for the Slytherins. Hufflepuffs were afraid of it, probably because they were useless. Only thing they were good for was eating in their pathetic common room next to the kitchen. What the hell was a Hufflepuff anyways? Gryffindors hated it because of it was "the Slytherin's class." Whatever that was, probably because Snape was the professor. Who cared about those pathetic excuses for wizards and witches? I certainly didn't; especially with all those Mudbloods. As for Ravenclaws, who gave a bloody fuck about them, thinking they're better than everyone because of they're smart. Well, news flash for them, when they have no Mudbloods and mostly Pure-bloods, then they can come talk to me. Hogwarts should have been a school for Pure-bloods, with some exceptions for half-bloods, I guess. My cousin was one and a very talented Wizard, so I can't exactly bash half-bloods.

Snape stood at his desk, still looking around the entire classroom. His greasy black hair framed his face. His hooked nose protruded his slightly wrinkled grey skin. He snarled at the students with his yellow teeth as he knew no one had produced a perfect Wit-Sharpening Potion because he hadn't given us enough time to do it. It seemed like Severus never seemed to give us enough time to finish the potion and then complained that we should work faster.

He slowly made his way over to mine and looked down into the black cauldron. It would have been perfect if I had another five minutes to let it sit. It seemed everyone in my bloodline was amazing at potions. Hell, I even beat that stupid Mudblood Hermione Granger.

"Pathetic. It's not done, learn to work faster, Ava. This is not child's play."

"And you need to learn how to wash your hair." Everyone gasped, but I smirked.

". . .Excuse me, Ava?"

"You're excused, Severus." It was like every single student in the class had frozen, no one ever had the guts to say that to Snape, no one. I wasn't afraid of him at all. In fact, I had enough courage to tell him off completely. Wasn't too hard, to be honest.

". . .That's Professor Snape!" He barked in a livid voice.

"Actually, it's Severus Snape, thank you."

"Ava, do I need to give you another detention? Your crap is getting old this year fast."

"I don't mind, we need to catch up on a few things, anyways."


"Aw," I faked a pout, "afraid of your little cousin making a fool out of you?"

"Five points from Slytherin." He howled.

"You'll just give me five points later for doing a potion right, anyways."

"Ten points! Do you need more taken away, Miss Prince?"

"Hm, let me think about i—"

I was cut off. You would think it would be Severus yelling at me, but it was the boy standing next to me. I had chatted with him absentmindedly alot, never really paying much attention to him. He constantly tried sucking up to me because of I was cousins(unfortunately) with Professor Snape. "Ava, you should be quiet."

"N—" Interrupted again!

"You should listen to Mr. Malfoy, Ava. Now let me continue with my job and I'll talk to you after class."

I let out a sigh of defeat. I knew I wouldn't be thrown out of the class since Severus would never dare to even do that, but I knew my classmates would get mad at me for costing our house alot of points. My thin frame fell upon the stool behind me. I looked over to Draco who was looking down at me with his grey eyes. While Snape looked into Parkinson's cauldron, Draco peered into mine.

"Wow, alot better than mine, I'm sure in a few minutes it will be perfect." He said, acting like he knew everything about potions.

"Malfoy, cut the shit. You don't know what it would look like perfect and you don't know how to tell if it's perfect." I let out a sigh of annoyance. "You don't have to suck up to me, you know." He blinked, knowing I had hit the spot, his goons we snickering behind him. Even they knew he was sucking up to me. It was funny, the "great" Draco Malfoy sucking up to someone.

"Me sucking up to you? Don't make me laugh, Prince."

"Draco, I don't even see why you talk to her, she's pathetic. She thinks she's better than everyone because she's related to Professor Snape." That annoying, pug faced bitch spoke up, glaring darts at me.

It wasn't long until I curled my hand into a fist, walking over to her. "I'll gladly show you why I'm better than you, pug face!" Snape quickly walked over to us and held me back. Normally, it would be weird for Snape to even put a hand on a student, but everyone knew we were cousins, making it less awkward.

The bell rung for lunch, my eyes leered in her direction, mentally punching her in the face. Pansy hastily scurried out of the potions room, Draco hand-in-hand with her.

Severus let me go and turned me around so I was facing him. My silver eyes met his black holes of eyes. His large hand motioned me to sit down, I had to. Once both of us were sitting on the stools, he opened his thin lips to speak, our eyes never leaving each others. As my elbow landed on the potions table, my head slowly found its way onto my palm.

"Ava, you need to work on your attitude, please."

I yawned out, "can I please go to lunch, Sevy? My stomach hurts."

"Hm? Are you coming down with something?" He said coldly yet slight worry in his eye. I don't think anyone would ever be able to figure out that our dear Severus Snape had an actual strong bond with a student. Maybe our relation would make it a little more viable, but not with the way we treated each other in class. More so me than him.

"No, I just skipped breakfast this morning and I didn't eat dinner last night."

"What? Why are you skipping meals?"

"I'm having trouble in a class," I murmured. I did not want to admit that a Prince was having trouble in a class.

"What class, Ava?"

"Astronomy. I hate that class, I want to drop it!"

"You can in two years, bring your stuff to detention tonight, I'll help you."

I stood up and walked to the door, a smirk on my face. I knew it wouldn't be a real detention. Him giving me a real detention, yeah right. "When will I win those ten points back?"

"Tomorrow in class if you learn to work quickly."

The seasons had changed and the weather got colder. It was now Autumn, one of my favourite season. Somehow, I let Draco and I get closer as the school year went on. He turned out to be not as annoying as I thought him out to be. Unfortunately, as I did, Pansy became more and more of a nuisance.

Draco and I were sitting in a tree. Crabbe and Goyle were sitting at the trunk of the tree. I learned my hand up touching the beautiful orange and red leaves. Sure, I may be some arrogant Slytherin bitch, but I did appreciate beauty."They're beautiful, aren't they, Draco?" I asked as I watched the leaves dance in the wind. I knew he would just answer, engrossed in something else.

"Yes." It wasn't long till he jumped down the tree, saying something to Potter. I let out a sigh, the boy never paid attention to me now that I paid attention to him. Goyle helped me down from the tree before I stormed off from the site, going down into the dungeon, heading to the Slytherin common room.

The room was black with green everywhere. I couldn't help but to love the place. I sat down on a chair, sighing. I paid attention to Draco now, wasn't that what he wanted? Why was he now not giving me attention?

"Did Draco stop giving you your precious attention, Prince?" Her stupid, annoying voice filled the room.

"Parkinson, you know I don't hesitate to kick your ass, and I will get away with it. Why do you test me?" I faced her, glaring.

She gave me a pathetic smile and skipped off, "because Draco's not interested in you and he's interested in me!"

"Piss off!" Was the only thing I could manage to shout before she left the room.

"My father will hear about this! Moody will be sacked for sure!" Malfoy shouted at the Slytherin table for what I'm sure was the tenth time. Draco had been known for complaining to everyone in Slytherin. If you thought you were the first person he told, you were probably the fifth of sixth.

I sighed while shaking my head before resting it on my palm, pushing the food around my plate inattentively. "Your father? You can't be too tough if your father does everything, now can you, Draco?"

His hand slowly found its way to my knee as he squeezed it slightly, rubbing my thigh with his thumb slowly. It drove me crazy as I tried not to blush. No one knew about our relationship. "No one asked for your opinion, Prince. Please, keep your opinions to yourself,
no one cares." I knew he didn't mean one word of it. He was known for being the rudest, most ignorant Slytherin in the entire school and he planned to keep it.

Him having a girlfriend would only cause an uproar with his fan girls. I was actually the one to ask it be kept a secret. Only one other person in the school knew about Draco and I. And it was none other than Severus. He had threatened to hurt Draco if he hurt me, which I found funny.

"Oh, give it a rest, Malfoy. You're not tough, stop putting on the big boy act for everyone."

"He said keep it to yourself, Prince!" Why was it Parkinson was everywhere that I didn't want her to be? I swear, one day I was gonna beat her arse so badly, her parents would take her out of the school.

I erected up sharply, walking towards the Great Hall's doors. "I'm going before I beat Pansy to a pulp!"

In the a deserted corridor, Draco and I sat in a window sill. He followed me when I left the Great Hall. "Did someone say Draco Malfoy?" He chirped while sitting down in the window sill with me. I turned my head as soon as I heard him talk in that lovely accent of his. Not too long after, Draco was draping his body over mine, kissing my neck.

I questioned him in a hushed whisper, "what do you like about me?"

Draco bit my neck softly as I placed my hands on his shoulders, tilting my head slightly more. "You're not a Mudblood."

". . .Yes, I love the fact that you're a Pure-blood as well, but what else?" My lips couldn't help but to crack themselves into a smirk. Most girls would find that offensive, but I found it rather amusing.

"That you're not Pansy," A small giggle escaped my slightly thin soft lips. It was true, he hated Pansy with a passion, why he liked her attention, God only knew. "You're intelligent, sweet—"

I paused him by pushing him back, "sweet?" One eye brow raised.

As he smirked, he leaned back in and licked my neck teasingly. "You taste sweet."

I pulled Draco into a hug. Almost right after he hugged back, Draco leaned back sitting, pulling me on top of his lap. His soft fingers stroked my hair as I rested my head on his shoulder, looking out the window.

"How long are we gonna keep us a secret?"

"Until your fan girls back off."

"I don't think that will be ever. I am rather good looking. But I wish they would, I can't stand them. They follow me everywhere. I wish I could just hex them and make them follow Crabbe or Goyle." Draco paused to realize what he said. "I can't see any girl following either of those fat bastards. They're idiots, too. I don't even think they can read."

It was soon nearing the end of the school year. Draco and I had been dating for almost nine months now. While everyone was either resting in the common room or packing up their things early so they didn't forget anything. My feet slowly stepped on eat concrete step leading from the girls dormitories to the common room.

"Malfoy, I need a word with you." I pushed his feet off the table causing him to lean forward as he gripped the couch cushions. "Now," my eyes never looked at him once as I walked over to the portrait hole, leading to the rest of Hogwarts.

"Prince, what do you want? I didn't do anything to bother you, today. If I did, you can shove it up your arse."

"I said now, Draco."

Draco knew not to say one more thing as he followed me into a deserted corridor like we always did. I slowly turned around to Draco and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and leaned up on my tiptoes. He sure was tall, and unfortunately, I was only about 5'4". Draco's arms slowly snaked their way around my waist, pulling me close to him. Our lips crashed in a passionate kiss of desperation. Getting alone time with the term coming to an end only became harder and harder. His tongue licked at my lips, begging for an entrance, but I denied him. I pulled Draco out of the common room for a reason, I needed to tell him something. Pulling back only slightly, our lips mere centimetres away, I looked into his eyes.

"Draco. . ." I began, "I pulled you out here to tell you something." It was hard for me to tell him. I didn't know if he felt the same way. I was quite sure he did, but one could never be too sure. "I love you," I leaned up, kissing him softly.

His cold gray eyes met my silver eyes. He didn't say a thing after the kiss. What was only a minute in a half pause seemed like an eternity. Why wasn't he returning it? Was the Slytherin Prince not able to love? Was it possible that everyone was right?

"I can't do this. . ." He whispered without an explanation before he walked away, his soft hands clenched into large fists.

For the first time in my entire life since I was a young child, a tear trickled its way down my cheek inch by inch.
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Sorry if it sucks, I don't think I've ever written a one-shot. XD
PLEASE tell me what I can do to write a better one-shot next time.