Status: hiatus

This Is the Price You Pay, but What Did I Do to Deserve This?

All I want- ch. 1

“You can’t resist me,” he growled, his arms pinning my shoulders to the wall with my hands clenched on his chest, nails and fingertips piercing into his skin. “No one can.”

“You’re an asshole, and I’ll never do anything with you, much less marry your self-absorbed, narcissist ass if my life depended on it!” I pushed forward again, but it was no use- even with my muscles straining, and abnormally built for a girl with my age, appearance, and personality. But still, weights and training weren’t going to save me from this massively ripped werewolf with 946% testosterone in his body and no brain. (BTW, the other 54% is asshole and muscle)

I could not believe that my parents tricked my brother Kayden into training a European pack to fight just to get him out of the way of forcing me into this arrangement. My next best bets were Ian and Cody. My stupid pride be dammed to hell, I wasn’t built for this in my human body. I am a good fighter, but I was weak as a human girl. I need to be in my wolf form to have a fair fight.

“IAN! CODY!” I screamed for my packmates, before he slammed his hand over my jaw, squeezing hard enough to leave bruises in seconds, his other pinning my entire weight on the black brick behind me by my collarbone and neck. I used that as an advantage to lift my feet up and kick with everything I had in me and sent it straight into his lower stomach.

He stumbled back a few steps, and I landed in a sort of squatting-crouch position, flinching as I barely grazed my neck and face with my fingers. Ian and Cody burst in from whatever they were doing on some other floor, sending the door flying off its hinges and shattering the 10-floor window across the room. It was completely disregarded, as I breathed unevenly and closed my eyes to make the stars go away. I only had my breathing and whatnot cut off for a moment, but he was fucking strong.

Ian came automatically to my side, checking my injuries as Cody faced off with the culprit. “WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!” Cody screamed in his face.



“Yeah seriously,” I coughed for a moment, before fully opening my eyes again and seeing clearly once more. Three pairs of eyes reverted to me. “He’s not even worth the time- Ian can you take me to my room? Cody, my cell phone’s missing somewhere because of my clothes…” I always kept my cell phone in my right jeans pocket, but I was wearing shorts today, so I didn’t have them.

I stood shakily, received two nods, and turned and walked out as quickly as I could- which wasn’t much, as I almost blacked out. I felt so weak- I could never fight a male in my weak human body, and I hated it. I felt so vulnerable, and I never had to when Kayden was around. Thankfully, my room was right around the corner. Unfortunately, my parents were making me share it with HIM, so I’d been sleeping in small trees where he couldn’t touch me. I braced myself in the doorway of the bathroom, having grabbed my personal cordless phone on the way in.

“Thanks Ian, I can take it from here. Can you get Cody to just toss my stuff on my bed? I’ll just clean up- I’m a mess, and it’ll take a while.” Lies. He nodded, I gave a small smile, and I shut the door. I used the toilet, splashed my face with cold water, then waited to hear Cody drop my Playboy purse on my bed and walk away. I dialed Kayden’s number as fast as physically possible, then bit my lip as I waited for him to pick up.

After the excruciating dial tone, he picked up. “Hello?”

“Kayden!” I cried, and the tears took over. I ran the tap, so that the noise wouldn’t be so obvious as I curled up on the cold tiled floor and threw my head against the wall, sobbing. “I miss you so much, I don’t want this; I just want it to end!” I bit my lip and shook some more, trying not to let the sounds become too obvious.

“What the fuck happened?! What’s wrong?!” I loved him so much, he sounded so angry and concerned, and I just missed him even more. I knew it wasn’t fair to let him hear me suffer when he was stuck with helping the Euro pack battle whatever they were up against, but there was nothing I could hide from him and no one else that understood me. Not like he did.

“I just...he--”

“I will slaughter that bastard, crush his skull and rip him to shreds,” Kayden seethed.

A small laugh peeled away from my lips, as I imagined his face. “Thanks, but I know you have things you need to do. It’s just good to hear your voice after so long…even though I just called you a couple of days ago, it feels like years." Holding the phone with one hand, I pressed the other over my mouth and nose, to muffle the cries tugging and my lips and shut my eyes as the tears trailed down my face. . “All I want is for you to come back…” I whispered, half-hoping he wouldn’t hear me so that he wouldn’t hurt as much as I did, or feel the pain from across the world.


*Other Person P.O.V.*

I could smell the salt, through crack under the door. There may as well have been an ocean of her tears inside, and there was nothing I could do to help her. I felt horrible, I wanted to comfort her but there was nothing I could do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please read and comment and subscribe! I purposely did not mention the names of the main character and her a-hole fiance so that you can all suggest unique names in comments! And who do you think the "Other Person" is? Cody? Ian? A new person? I always welcome suggestions!