Last Years Wishes, Are This Years Apologies

Pretendings For the Best

(Travis's POV)

The guys and I walked into the smoke filled club and made our way to the back. We sat down in a booth and Eric went to go get us drinks.

We sat in the booth talking and drinking for a while before a few girls walked over.

"Hey, wanna dance?" A tiny blonde haired girl asked me.

"Nah, sorry," I said tapping my foot to the beat of the music

The girl looked disappointed but walked away and made her way to the next table of guys.

Disashi punched my arm, "Why the fuck wouldn't you dance with her? She was hott."

"I have a girlfriend," I said deffensively.

"So? It's only innocent dancing. We all have girlfriends, but that doesn't seem to stop us," he said motioning to the other guys sitting around the table. I shrugged and took a sip from the glass in my hand.

Matt laughed, "Atleast pretend you're having fun."

"Fine," I said finishing the last of my drink and heading to the bar for another. I got to the bar and took two shots of tequila before making my way to the dance floor. I found the blonde girl dancing and began dancing with her. She smiled and began grinding up against me.

I tried to swallow the now forming lump in my throat. This can't be good.