You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me, But I Am Not Your Slave

I felt myself turn in my sleep restless. I had this strange twinge in my legs, and I wanted to jump and a down or run around. I was breathing hard: I wasn’t used to this type of humidity. I propped myself up and pinched my shirt moving it up and down. The cool air chilled my skin. But the cool sensation didn’t last that long. I groaned annoyed and sat up not opening my eyes: I was way too tired. I stripped from my shirt and laid back in bed with only my bra and underwear on.

“Nice body.” what the fuck?

I sat up and opened my eyes, “Who’s there?” I peered into the darkness: trying to make out a body. The only other person in the room that I know is Beth.

“I had fun last night didn’t you?” He spoke again.

My eyes grew wider and I shot out of bed backing up into the bedside table, “C-Craig?”

“Yes, Aaliyah.”

“Why are you here?”

I squinted my eyes to see into the blackness, where is he? “Oh I don’t know, just to say hi.” He taunted. Thunder boomed and the lighting flash following illuminated the room, showing Craig walking towards me, “To talk.”

“Get out!” I screamed.

“Kind of sucks we have to do this the hard way doesn’t it?”

“What are you talking about?” I growled. I got on the bed and crawled over to Beth. She was sound asleep, but I picked her up and sprinted to the door.

“No!” Beth was pulled from my arms and hit the floor hard. She burst out crying and I was thrown into a wall.

“Get out!” I screamed on the top of my lungs.

“Not without you!” he pulled my head up by my hair and dragged me to the door.

“Beth! Get out of here now!” I got a hold of Beth and shoved her out of the room. She ran screeching Ashley and Sam’s names.

“C’mon you bitch.” He growled. I reached up clawing at his hand. But nothing worked. He was invincible, at the time.

“No,” I cried, “Let me go you creep!”

“Ali!” Ashley called running into the room with Sam. A small gleam of hope flashed through me, but died as soon as they stopped running.

“Do something!”

“Ha-ha! That Nymph and Demon can’t touch me. You’re out of luck girly. Now let’s go!” he pulled me so hard that I heard a chunk of my hair, from the very bottom, rip from my scalp.

“Aaaaaahhhhh!!!!!” I screamed for the bloody tulips in every garden: no one knows how much it hurts a flower when they get picked.

“Ali! We can’t hurt him! He’s a human under the protection of Daniel!”

I dug my nails into his forearms and he almost let go of me, so I gave him a mosquito bite. I pinched the skin of his wrist with the knuckle on my thumb and the small one on my index finger. He retracted and I dropped to the floor. I scampered away as fast as I could, this man is sick and works for Daniel.

He grabbed onto my foot, “Where do you think you’re going?”

I kicked his face and probably broke his nose. “Get away from me!”

He charged after me and picked me up. He held me over his head and dropped me onto the coffee table in front of the couch. It shattered under the momentum of the drop and pieces of wood lay everywhere. He came at me again. I grabbed whatever was around me. He fell on top of me. I panicked. I punctured. He died. He’s dead. I’m a murderer.

“C-Craig?” he was lying lifeless on top of me. “Oh gosh. I-I killed him! Ashley he’s dead!”

“He was worthless anyways.” Craig’s weight was lifted off of me and tossed unwanted to the side. “Now, behave…and I might just let you live.” Daniel.

“No. Not you.” He pulled me up and slung me over his shoulder, “Let me down now! Ashley! Sam”

“Dammit!” he cursed.

I was dropped when snarls began to fill the air. Ashley had gorgeous black translucent wings and she beating the shit out of Daniel. She bit and made him bleed. But he was just as strong…stronger actually. He threw her and Sam and they hit the wall, falling down…and never coming back up. He stood up straight slowly and turned around to face me. He wiped the blood off his face and grinned sadistically. I screamed, “What did you do you want!?!”

“Ha-ha, come with me, and your little Beth won’t get a single hand.”

I scanned the room panicked. Where is she? “Beth! If you can hear me stay where you are until you have to go to the bathroom! Okay?” I wanted to make sure she left when everything was safe.

“Is that a deal pretty bird?” he cooed kneeling beside me.

“If I go with you, you have to promise not to touch Beth.” I started to get up slowly.

“Cross my heart.”

I scoffed, “You have no heart.”

He glared and bared his fangs, “I know that.” He hissed. Touchy much? He pushed me forward to the front door and outside. It was pouring and lightning struck right above our heads. He led me to a sleek silver car, “Get in.” I climbed into the front seat and buckled myself up.

“Don’t you have anything better to do? Like jack off somewhere in the woods?” I snapped once he got in.

He glanced at me and then shot down the street, “I could if I wanted, but why fake it when you could get the satisfaction with the real thing?” he rub my cheek and I slapped his hand away.

“Don’t touch me you pig!”

“Cool it.”

I slumped into my seat. Fear has already sunken in. I have no idea why he wants me or what I did to deserve this all. I was afraid of death. He is going to kill me. I sat up straight and then turned my torso to him, “Why do you want me?”

He smiled and got onto the freeway, “Why not?”

“What do you mean?”

“Who wouldn’t want a gorgeous young thing like you?”

“I am not a thing!” I defended, “What am I to you?”

He didn’t answer. He either stared out onto the road, or at my body.

“Answer me!”

“So you’re not afraid of me?”

“No.” I lied.

“Why not? I could kill you right now if I wanted to.”

“No, you won’t.”

He shot me a questioning look, “How do you know?”

Is he serious? “If you kidnapped me to kill then you would have done it already.”


“So, what purpose am I to you?”

It was silent for about an hour. I didn’t try to ask anymore questions, I just thought about where I was going. I stared out onto the road and at him. He was a vampire and he is evil. That’s all I know. Oh, and that he wants everything Saul…..has….oh god.

“I know why you want me.” I teased.

“Oh do you now?”

“Yes, I do.”

“Care to share?’

“I would be delighted to you fucker.”

“Ha-ha! That is the best way to poison a woman’s charm, her dirty mouth.”

I made a face and rolled my eyes, “You only want me, because Saul has me.”

His playful expression died into an angry one, “What are you talking about?” he asked harshly.

“You know exactly what! Everything Saul ever had you took it from him!”

“Who told you this? Saul? Now I’m really going to kill him.”

My eyes widened, “No you won’t. You’re not going to touch him! Do you hear me Daniel? You just stay away from him!”

“Oh…so is it Saul the damsel in distress and the pretty bird as the heroine?”

“Shut up! And no! Saul is so much stronger than me! He’s stronger than you too! He can make you cower away with your tail between your legs without even touching you! Like at the ball before you burned down the palace.”

“That was a great display wasn’t it?”

“I’m not done!” I scolded, “He made you stop dancing with me when he only said your fucking name! You are weak Daniel! That’s why you stole me because you thought you would have an advantage if you had me! But you’re wrong! Dead wrong!”

“Am I now?” he was calm and collected, “We’ll see who is the strongest when he finds out that I have you.”

I rolled my eyes, “You are such an ass! And totally dumb: Saul will come after me even more angry and powerful then ever before.” I lowered my voice into a whisper, “Because he swore he would protect me from anything.”

I looked out the window closing this argument, but he just had to have the final word, “Aaliyah?”

“What?” I snapped turning my head. His fist collided against my temple so hard it made me dizzy.

“Shut the fuck up.” He growled. My dizziness grew to blackness. And my hearing grew dense as if I was underwater. And my eyelids fell without a positive beat. Nothing more.
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comments are welcomed! ^.^