You May Hold Me but I Am Not Your Slave

You May Hold Me, But I Am Not Your Slave

One eye open…good, I’m making progress. I slowly opened my other eye and blinked at the bright sun shining in through the window. I groaned in pain while I touched the side of my head tenderly. I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. I was in a bed with nothing on. I was still in my bra and underwear with no covers on me. This room was just an ordinary boring room. The two walls were painted a flower petal pink and the other two were a soft lime green. I practically gagged: this room was so…preppy…ugh. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stepped onto the white carpeted floor. I walked over to the window and peered out. I wasn’t in a forest. Or a small town. I was in a suburban housing complex. What the hell? So, an evil vampire who wants to take over all mythical creatures lives in suburbia? Hahahaha!!! Oh that’s great! I held onto the window seal laughing until I couldn’t breathe. I gathered myself together and stood up straight. There was a couple across the street doing yard work. They were staring at me, so I did the most lady-like thing I could think of: I flipped them off.

“Way to say good morning.”

I spun around and shrugged, “They were staring.”

“So you just had to flip them off.” Daniel sighed coming into the room. He sat on the bed and satred at my body.

“Got any clothes here?”

He motioned over to the dresser, “Why cover the body that belongs to an angel?”

“Because I stole it so I need to hide it from that angel, perv.” I strolled over to the dresser and pulled out shorts and a tank.

“So how’s that headache been treating you?”

He meant when his fist met my temple, “Incredible.” I shot back.

“Excellent. So, you ready to live your new life as my slave?”

“Psh, yeah right. I’m so tired of ya’ll making me your slave. First Saul now you? What’s the deal?”

He chuckled a warm laugh, “I’m not going to make you my slave. I’m against that.”

“You know we aren’t really his slaves for a slave purpose?”


I smiled, why? And pulled on my shirt after I buckled my shorts, “He’s just trying to protect us.”

“By making you his slave? Not convinced, sugar.”

“Don’t call me that,” I said without tone, almost as if I was getting used to it, “He told me that if I weren’t forced to stay there by being a slave then I would just get up and leave.”

“Why? Geez, if I were in your place and knew I was going to die I would stay.”

I nodded and sat next to him: I’m really not afraid of him, “Okay, so you get why he does this all, so just stop fighting him.”

He got up quickly in anger, “Not that easily dollface: you all deserve to be dead, you are suppose to be anyways.”

I followed his movements pissed off, “So you’re just going to kill us?” I asked angrily.

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

He left me alone in the room but I ran after him, “So what am I? just some random girl staying in this stupid house!?!”

He turned around walking backwards, “Yep, but occasionally I might get lonely.”

“Oh you are sick!” I screamed.

“Mellow down,” he called walking away, “Not sexual…just torture.”

I stopped with this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, “L-like what type of torture?” I asked him. He walked down the stairs not responding, so I ran after him, “Daniel?”


“What do you mean by torture?”

He turned his back to me and dug in his pocket, “Like, sadistic torture.” He cackled wiping around fast so he could look at me. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head down backwards. I cringed at the pain on my sore spot where my hair was ripped out. He waved a small, shiny, silver pocketknife above my nose. He grabbed it and brought it to my cheek. I swallowed hard, not able to say anything. Usually when things like this happened I would scream and try to hurt him, like what I did to Craig last night. He flattened the blade on my skin, and I shivered…it was a cold as death. He grinned and turned it upright and slid it across my skin…deep.

“Aaahhh!” I screamed in pain. The coolness left my body and was replaced by something warm and wet. I dropped to the floor holding my face without spilling a single tear.

He crouched down to my level and whispered with a rumble in his throat, “Welcome home bitch.”

“This isn’t my home and I’m not a bitch!” I screamed slapping him. My eyes grew wide and I backed away. Now, now is when my fear took over every single sense in my body.

He slowly turned his head and glared at me, “So, Seattle isn’t your home?” he held out a towel to clean my face.


“You’re not from Seattle?”

I furrowed my eyebrows, “Am I in Seattle?”


My eyes grew in size again, not of fear, but of pure happiness. I got up fast and ran to the front door with Daniel at my heels. I swung open the door and charged out onto the front lawn. I spun around looking out at the horizon: and there it was. My eyes held the gaze of beautiful Seattle, Washington. My breath caught in my throat, and I fell down to my knees, “Why?” was all I could say.

He kneeled down next to me, “Because, it’s the one place where I know Saul won’t look for you.”


He sighed and helped me up, “Because he’s an idiot.”

I shoved him hard, “He is not!”

“Take it easy bitch. Now go finish getting ready.”

I started walking into the house, “Why?” I heard the door close behind me so I turned around.

“Well, don’t you want to go home?”

I felt myself perk up and a smile spread, “Are you serious?” I squeaked.

“Dead serious.”


I ran up the porch steps of my loft in downtown Seattle. I almost tripped on the last step but caught myself on the door handle. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I small gleam of disappointment flushed down my veins, but then I remembered the key in the drainage pipe next to the door. I squatted fast and stuck my fingers up the whole and wrapped them around something hard and cold. I pulled it out and stuck the key in the handle, then I wrenched open the entrance way and screamed, “I’m home!!!” I ran inside and into the kitchen, “I’m home!” I screamed again. I don’t know why, and I couldn’t help myself think or feel, but I had this feeling that Saul was here waiting for me to come home. I knew that was silly.

“So?” I looked back to see Daniel sitting on my couch.

“Get your dirty ass off of my furniture.”

He got up smirking and walked around looking at all of my pictures and movies stacked up by the TV, “Got enough horror movies don’t you think?”

“I like them.” I muttered jogging up the stairs and into my room. My bed was still unmade and I still had dirty clothes hanging all over the place. “My bed!” I jumped on my bed and laid down wrapping my covers in my arms. I inhaled and pretty much died with the scent of home in my nostrils.

“So, I’m guessing you don’t mind living here now.” Daniel walked into the room but I didn’t budge.

“Are you kidding me? I already do live here.”

“I’ll let you live here now, but.”

“But what?” I interrupted sourly.

“But, you have to let me stay and keep an eye on you.”

I sat up fast and glared, “Over my dead body.”

“That could be easily arranged.” He came at me taking his pocket knife out. I shot out of the bed and backed away.

“Don’t.” I pleaded.

He cackled and smirked, “Don’t waste your begging on me bitch.” He flung the knife towards me and it stabbed the top of my thigh.

“Aaaahhh!!!” I screamed curdling blood. I bent down in pain and took the knife out and through it across the room. I held onto my leg and breathed deeply: so much pain vibrated through my leg…it was unbearable. “You’re horrible!” I screeched.

“Really? I thought it was entertaining and amusing.” He grinned and came over to me. He grabbed my arm and forced me up and then he dragged me into the bathroom. He locked the door once we were in and threw me onto the floor. “Undress.” He ordered.

I stood still, staring at the floor.

“Dammit! Take your clothes off!” he commanded opening a drawer and pointing a pistol at my head. I don’t remember that being in here.

I cracked under pressure and unbuttoned my shorts taking them off fast. I did the same with my shirt, and stood in front of him.

“Underwear and bra too.”

I choked on my inhale and teared up, “N-no.”

He cocked the pistol bringing it to my head.

I closed my eyes and did as I was told. Once I was completely naked I felt his hands on my body, “Aaah!” I screamed in disgust falling to the floor.

“Do you want to die?” he asked. I looked up and him through my eyelashes and shook my head, “I know what will cheer you up.” He took out a cell and dialed a number, “I bet he would enjoy your screams as I’m pleasured.”

He’s going to rape me…I just know it.

He turned on the bathwater, “Get in.”

I once again followed his commands as his pistol flowed with my movements.

“Hello, Saul.” He greeted the other line. I stopped half-way in the tub and looked back at him, “Oh, no she’s fine, trust me…we’re just…having fun.” I heard Saul screaming on the other line and Daniels face grew interested, “If you want her, then come get her.” that’s exactly what he wanted isn’t it? “You want to talk to her?” he looked at me and walked closer, “You have a minute.” He told me and gave me the phone.

I took it and tried not to go berserk, “S-Saul?”

“Aaliyah, I’m going to find you. I promise you’re going to be okay.”

“I want to be…with you Saul.” I started choking up, “I want to be safe.”

“Ssh, you will be soon, you’ll be with me. Don’t you worry one bit my girl: I’m going to protect you.” He whispered to calm me, “What’s that noise?” he asked. I looked at the water running in front of me.


“Where are you?”

“In a bathtub.” I inhaled sharply.

He was silent for a couple seconds.

“Saul, we don’t have much time left.”

“I know,” he said sadly, “Are you…do you have clothes on?”

I tried to hold back my tears, but they were threatening, “N-no.”

“I’m going to kill him.” he growled.

“Times up bitch.” Daniel announced.

“Saul, I can’t talk to you anymore.”

“I will find you. You will be with me soon.” Saul promised, I was about to respond but the phone was snatched away.

“Doesn’t she sound pathetic? Now, don’t start yelling Saul…no, I gave you a minute and you can’t have any more time to talk….no you can’t say goodbye, but I’ll let her say bye to you.” He kneeled down next to the tub, “Enjoy this Saul.” He pushed me down under the water and didn’t let me up. I screamed and thrashed around trying to get up. I heard muffle laughing and then it came clear when he let go. I shot up gasping for air. “Don’t worry Saul, she’ll come back to you black a purple…but alive.”

“Saul!” I screamed for some reason. I know he can’t help me at the moment.

“Oh shut up bitch!” he slapped me hard. It stung even more because of the cold water, “Saul don’t tell me not to hurt her, she’s already swimming in her own blood.”
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comments are welcomed! ^.^